Chapter 46

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Cleaned up, showered, and dressed, Haven was back in her bed, breastfeeding Hope for the first time. She was completely shattered, both physically and emotionally, but watching her little girl suckling gently at her breast was filling her heart with quiet joy.

More than anything, she wished Connor was there to share this special moment with her. To see their little girl, alive, happy, and healthy, to hold her in his arms. She wished she'd seen the warning signs; she'd known he was struggling, but she hadn't known he was on the edge of taking his own life.

"You okay?" Came her mother's voice.

Looking up, Haven managed a weak smile. Hope stretched slightly, before placing her little hand on the top of Haven's breast as she continued to drink her milk.

"I think so." She breathed, swallowing down the lump that was threatening to form in her throat.

Sitting on the edge of Haven's bed, JJ folded her legs in front of her, watching Haven closely.

"It's going to be hard, milagro. I won't lie about that. But it's okay to hurt and it's okay to cry. Just remember that every time you look at Hope, Cooper is going to be looking back at you, and that's okay because it means he's going to live on in her." She said gently.

The tears fell freely down the teenager's cheeks the second her mother stopped speaking. "She's beautiful."

JJ smiled. "She is. You made her. And now you get raise her into an incredible person, just like you."

"But I screwed up." Haven whispered through her tears, looking at her mom. "I wasn't meant to have a baby this young."

Shaking her head, JJ reached out and tipped her daughter's chin up. "Mistakes happen. Haven, you took on the idea of being a young mom really well, and you have taken on that responsibility better than your dad and I ever expected. You are an amazing person, Haven, and you're going to get the chance to show just how amazing you are when you can look at this beautiful baby girl in ten years and say 'I did that. I raised her'."

Tears flooding freely down her cheeks, Haven bent her head, pressing a featherlight kiss to her daughter's soft forehead.

"I'm gonna be the best mom you could ever dream of." She whispered just loud enough for JJ.

JJ's heart swelled.

She was so proud of her daughter.

Will and Henry had been eagerly waiting to meet the new addition to their family, but had respected that Haven would ask them into the room when she was ready to see people other than JJ. And so they had gone home, had something to eat and gotten some sleep, before heading back to the hospital just after eight with the news that Hope Rose Connor LaMontagne had arrived safe and sound.

Slipping out of Haven's room with Hope in her arms beneath a wad of blankets, JJ pulled the door closed as quietly as she could manage. Once it was shut, she sets off down the halls towards the family room when she knew Will and Henry were waiting. For security reasons, no one but Haven or one of the medical staff were usually allowed to take Hope, but Kerry had made an exception knowing that Hope was perfectly safe with JJ and Will.

Walking down the hall with the sleeping baby in her arms, JJ turned right into the family room, where Will and Henry were sitting talking over cups of fresh hot coffee.

"Hey." She said softly as she walked in, getting their attention right away.

Both men turned, their faces lighting up when they realized JJ was holding the baby.

"Hey, how's Haven?" Will asked, getting to his feet and approaching his wife.

"She's exhausted. She only just fell asleep, which is why I said I'd bring Hope out here instead. Poor girl... she's had one hell of a night." JJ said sadly. "She'd been doing her reading and decided she didn't want an epidural, so she was in a fair amount of pain, but I think it was more the fact that Connor wasn't there that bothered her."

Peering into the blankets, Will smiled. "Hey there princess. You're pretty cute."

JJ chuckled as Will eagerly lifted Hope from her arms into his own. She could hardly believe, watching him now, that he had wanted nothing to do with Haven when she'd told them she was pregnant.

Before long she was watching both of her boys cooing over their newest addition, both completely smitten with Hope as JJ had expected. Folding her arms across her chest, she smiled as Henry argued with his dad over when he could hold her.

They were all going to be fine. It would take hard work, an adjustment period, and a lot of cheering on for Haven, but JJ knew they were all going to be fine.

Hope was going to bring light, joy, and happiness into their house, something that JJ knew would definitely not go amiss.

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