Edit in Process

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Hey guys!! So don't panic if you've noticed that all the chapters for this story have disappeared, its not being deleted or anything its just I'm in the process of rewriting this so  I'm gonna take down most of the chapters so they cant be seen publicly and update them as I edit them instead of waiting till I've rewritten every chapter. I just think this will be a better way to do it, mostly so new readers don't have to read the old version just to have to wait around for a new version, and so any current/previous readers can give feedback and stuff just so I know if people enjoy the newer version more (Just on the off chance you hate the new version, though I hope you don't) and that I'm on the right track. I already have a the first four chapters done so I'll maybe post one each day or week. I also think being able to interact with you guys as I post like I used to will keep me a lot more motivated as well.

Anyway I hope this all makes sense and I really hope you enjoy the new versions of the chapters. I like them a whole let more and I'm so much more happier with my writing style now so let me know what you think :)

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