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minor spiderverse spoilers!
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The rain was coming down hard outside the Brooklyn loft.

Her favorite type of weather. The calm it brought to her was always welcomed.

Admiring the midday overcast, she watched the rain fall lightly on the city. Pedestrians held umbrellas to shield themselves, the traffic in the streets backed up as usual.

It was always the same. It was the one thing she didn't mind that never changed.

With her head resting on her hand, she studied the city life. But the more she looked out the winder through her reflection, the more she missed him.

He too loved the rain.

The more she watched the more she thought of him. And as she thought of him, the more she studied her reflection.

Her dark curls framing her face as her hoop earrings peaked out from behind them. Her eyes wondered down from her hair to her nose. Then done to her lips.

Her plump lips that were always covered with dark gloss. The gloss that made her eyes shine.

Her eyes always seemed to have a sultry, flirty look to them. Her false lashes drawing the right attention.

He could get lost in those eyes.

The same way she got lost in his.

Smiling slightly, she saw him.

"You're a Spider not a Ninja," she teases as she turns away from the window and looks at the man in the center of the living room.

He stood in a small puddle made by the rain falling from him.

"I wanted to surprise ya," he says to her walking in her direction. "How you doin Nez?" He asked smiling.

Nez smirks as she stands. "Better now that you're back," she says flirty. "I know I was gone longer than I said, duty calls,"

"They don't call you The Amazing Spider-Man for nothing," Nez teases as they stand nearly inches apart. She watched as the water slide down his mask.

"Punk. The Amazing Spider-Punk," he corrects, smiling at her, knowing she couldn't see his face. "My Hobie isn't a punk,"

Hobie wraps his arms around Nez as he leans close to her face. "I like when you say that," he says softly.

Nez giggles as she takes his mask off. His hair drooping from the rain and a smile plastered on his face. "If you were gone any longer, I would have forgotten what your face looked like," she teases.

Hobie pulls her closer, kissing her passionately. He missed the way her lips felt and the way her gloss tasted.

"You're wet and smell like a wet dog," Nez says after pulling away from him. "Go shower," she say's smiling.

Hobie rolls his eyes. "I don't do as told," he says. Nez rolls her eyes smiling as she pushes his arms off of her waist.

"Shower and I'll order some food from the deli down the street and you can tell me about your adventures,"

Hobie smiles, grabbing his mask from her. "I'd love to, but I've got a city to monitor. I've been gone for so long,"

Nez twists her lips to the side as she watched him put his mask back on and walk towards the window she was staring out of.

"If you weren't going to stay, you shouldn't have come to see me just yet," she complains. Hobie sighs as he opens her window and looks over his shoulder.

No Labels ~ H. BrownWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt