Sleepovers At Midnight

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(Y/N)- Your name

(E/C)- Eye color

Warning: High levels of cheese and fluff.

#spon: check out my new tumblr- ^_^


"Oh hey there, (Y/N)! Come on in!" The apartment door opens to a tall young man with a brown fringe swept to his left side, earrings in his ears and dimples in his cheeks. He moves aside and gestures for you to step in.

"Hey Dan!" You give him a smile as you walk in and he closes the door behind you. As you remove your shoes, he awkwardly wraps his arms around your shoulders and neck.

"Not now silly, I still have to get my shoes off," you pretend to scold, ignoring his embrace until you are ready to receive it. Turning around, you give him a proper hug. He's huge, about 6'3, and you're still pretty tall yourself (only ten or eleven centimeters shorter than him), but you still feel small when you hug him.

You had been best friends with Dan Howell and Phil Lester for what seemed ages, even though it had only been a couple of years since you met them. The three of you were super close and were always hanging out- going for coffee, shopping at Tesco together and the like. Tonight's hangout was a sleepover at their flat, watching movies and eating horribly sugary foods to your heart's content. You loved watching movies together. And the best part was, even though you were a group of three, nobody was ever the third wheel.

Letting go, you follow Dan up the multitudes of steps leading to the main parts of their apartment. "Oh, and I forgot to text you this, but Phil's not going to be here tonight," he says over his shoulder.

"What? Why? Where is he going to be?"

"He said he was meeting someone."

Coming into the lounge, you plop onto the nearest seat. "Really? Again? Do you think he finally has a date, Dan? Maybe even a girlfriend?"

"Could be," Dan shrugs. "Which would be nice for him. He hasn't been out with someone for a while."

"I really hope he has found someone." Little did either of you know, Phil had left to give the two of you privacy. You had had a huge crush on Dan for about a year now and Phil was the only person you had confided in, after making him swear on Lion's mane that he wouldn't tell a soul. There had been a few times when he'd tried to set the two of you up on "not dates" by organizing plans for an evening and then ditching to "edit videos" or some other excuse. They had never worked before; however much you hoped, Dan and you only remained casual best friends. But you wanted something more, and Phil was hoping the two of you would get together someday.

The weird thing was, Phil sometimes claimed that Dan liked you, when he wasn't around. You didn't believe him. Dan had never seemed interested in you before and, seeing that, you didn't really try to pursue things. You were scared and didn't want to ruin anything the two of you had, even if it was just close friendship.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Dan asks, sitting next to you on the sofa.

"I'm feeling kinda hungry," you admit. "What about popcorn?"

"Popcorn it is!" He stands up again and heads towards the kitchen. You stand up as well to follow him but he blocks the doorway. "No no no, (Y/N). You're not going anywhere. Pick a movie."

"But Dan-"

"Pick a movie." Taking you by the shoulders, he steers you around, gives you a gentle push towards the television and then disappears into the hallway.

Sleepovers At Midnight (Dan Howell imagine)Where stories live. Discover now