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Jake, he wouldn't consider himself as above average when came to beauty, even though he's fairly attractive and had sharp visuals, it was all overshadowed by the gorgeous people in his university.
He was rather a sweet person, with the best understanding skills, even though he never imagined he did managed to make two close friends. Who will be Taehyun and Hueningkai.
They were the two people in his life that actually tried to understand him, when they found out just how good of a person Jake is, they couldn't resist the temptation to befriend him.

Jake was always kinda fascinated by his classmate Heeseung for more than a year now, he wouldn't admit it though as it was just few dreams, secret glances and doing outrageous stuff just to get his attention, it was normal right?

Though his friends were the loveliest people he could ever had, he still felt that emptiness as if they still couldn't understand his dark deep feelings, he needed someone more than a friend. He wouldn't say out loud to his friends but he always had these romantic fantasies since he was a teenager. He thought admiting it would just make people laugh at him. Although his romantic life only received this never ending drought until came the droplet of hope in the name of Park Sunghoon.

Author's pov

Jake was sitting on his seat, going through the topics that the professor had assigned them yesterday, until he heard a giggling Huening coming to him. "Hi Jake Hyung!! How have you been?" Kai hugged Jake tightly, as he preferred skinship, "Hey kai, I'm good. Tell me how was your weekend?" Jake smiled sweetly. "it was alright Hyung, me and Taehyun hyung went out to a cafe that has recently opened and their cakes are the best!!" said kai excitedly. "is that so? Then I'll try it too" "of course you should hyung! You won't be dissapointed" replied kai with full confidence. Suddenly he made a surprised face as if he remembered something. "by the way hyung, I gotta tell you something interesting" "yeah what is it kai?" Jake waited eagerly for Kai's reply. "Heeseung contacted me last Saturday, he asked me tutor him for the upcoming maths test and he needed some help, I asked him to come meet me here but refused saying that you'd be here as well and that he feels shy around you" kai finished off with a puzzled face as if he couldn't understand why would heeseung say that.

Jake who was surprised himself, couldn't believe his ears as if Heeseung mentioned him first and that too he's shy being around Jake.
"really? he said that? " said Jake with a doubt in his voice. Kai nodded at his question. That didn't make any sense to Jake, he was confused why would heeseung say that. But he was feeling a soft churn in his stomach, he liked this and slowly his face was turning red. He wouldn't admit but his secret crush made him feel all giddy.

The bell rang, then the professor entered the class with a delightful expression, the students took their place ready to be drained out of energy. Most of them looked dehydrated but thank god their beautiful faces covered it up.

"Attention please! we have a new student here, come in" everyone's eyes sparkled with excitement hearing they are having a new face. "Welcome Park Sunghoon!" a guy with dazzling beautiful eyes, sharp visuals, fluffy soft black hair entered the room with the most beautiful smile on his face. The students looked at him with awe as if they witnessed a Greek god. Most of them acting dramatic as if they were fainting, Jake's jaw dropped, he was surprised when he saw Sunghoon.

"you may take your seat beside Jungwon, young man" the professor directed him to jungwon in the back.

Sunghoon slowly made his way to sit beside jungwon, receiving alot of glances, Jake slightly turned his head to peek a look. He wouldn't deny, that he just saw the most beautiful person.

Time went by the professor discussed some more topics and gave them an assignment, the bell rang and the period was over, everyone was leaving the class. Jake was still packing his stuff and sunghoon was already heading outside the class until the professor stopped him and started discussing something, he gestured sunghoon towards Jake and that being said while Jake was about to leave, until he saw sunghoon coming towards him.

"oh.. Hi new student, is there... anything I can help you with?" said Jake with a confused but welcoming look. "oh yeah actually the professor told me ask you for the previous stuff that I need to cover up, he told me you're the top student here, will you please help me?" the first time Jake heard his voice and it was sweet as honey, he felt a little embarrassed "ofcouse! Why not, I can help you with anything" Jake said enthusiastically with a cute smile. "thank you so much that would be really nice"

"you still don't know your way around, right? Let's go to the canteen first, I'll also introduce to my friends" Jake being the sweet person he is, offered sunghoon to hang out with him. "cool, let's go than" sunghoon passed his deadly smile.

"your name is quite beautiful, it feels like a pretty flower.." they were heading out, said jake out of the blue, keeping his head down.

"oh.. that's new to hear, I've heard people admiring my face but never my name, thank you Jake" sunghoon looked pleasantly surprised as if he discovered something new, both of them were smiling. "you're face is gorgeous too..." said Jake under his breath, muttering to himself but sunghoon heard it obviously! He giggled to himself, it was the cutest thing to him.

Both of them arrived at the canteen, Jake searched around the area, to find his friends at the corner table, he waved to them.

"guys I have someone that you'd like to meet!" Jake enthusiastically guided his friends to sunghoon. "he is park sunghoon, a new student, sunghoon that's Hueningkai and he's Kang Taehyun." Jake introduced them all then all of them exchanged smiles and little bows. "hi I'm Taehyun, nice to meet you sunghoon" "I'm Hueningkai but you can call me kai" kai looked excitedly towards sunghoon, who was very happy to meet the guys.

For the time being, all of them enjoyed their canteen time and exchanged numbers. They had fun conversation, it was easy for sunghoon to blend in with them.

"Jake can you come to my house, we can study there and you'll help me with the stuff?" asked sunghoon with a hopefullness in his voice. "Ahh.. Are you sure?" sunghoon nodded "I'll ask my mum then, if she agrees I'll visit you" sunghoon's face lit up with spark, he was smiling like a happy child. "then I'll send you the location once you confirm ok?" Jake responded with a thumps up. To be honest Jake never really liked hanging out, he prefered staying in, he would usually reject any outdoor activities only occasionally but he doesn't know why he agreed to sunghoon, maybe it was his pleading face that drove him to say yes. Well he was glad atleast he got to see his pretty smile. Just when Jake was feeling shy, he saw someone. A someone who made him bright red in the morning, it was Heeseung, he was passing by with his group of friends looking dazzling. Jake suddenly remembered his remarks and got so shy that he had to lower his head just to hide his tomato like face. "Jake are you ok!?" sunghoon asked with a worry in his voice, damn this boy doesn't spare a glance huh. "yeah I'm good, don't worry" reassured Jake, The hell is wrong with me and why I've been getting so shy!! that was all he could think of, oh boy Jake was going through a rollercoaster of emotions.


This was all it, it's very cringe I know, but bear with it >_<

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