Getting sorted

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Finally it is time for me to get sorted into my house at Hogwarts I have been waiting for this moment since I was told I was being transferred here I sit down and as the sorting hat going down on my head before even touching me it shouts Slytherin I am so happy I do not know what I would have done if i was in any other house it just wouldn't have felt right anyway it turns out that the boy I saw on the train is in the same house but I think I'm going to talk to some other people in my house first as I just met a boy called Niklaus Mikaelson who is a tribred but apparently everybody calls him klaus. I have met this girl called Katherine Pierce as well she is half vampire and half witch as I think I'm going to get along with her the most she seems to have a personality like mine bitchy but also nice to those she cares about I don't know klaus though he seems nice enough but I don't know if I can trust him or not.
It is him the gorgeous boy I saw on the train he is coming up to me but he looks angry at me like I have done something to offend him.

"Hey you yes you mudblood u don't belong in this house no matter what the sorting hat says you have muggle parents and no matter who u are friends with in this house you will never truly be one of us"

Oh my god before I can even say anything Katherine just came up to him and says

"Draco you don't even know her plus who are you to judge the only reason you have friends is cause they are scared of you and yeah not everyone likes me but not everyone matters especially a little ferret like you and I know I have done some pretty horrible things but unlike you poor delicate Draco I deal with it so just shut up before you regret it cause did it ever occur to you that you have no idea who I am and what I will do to protect my friends"

"So Katherine does this make us friends cause I think out of all the people I have met in my entire life your one of the most badass"

"yes Hermione we are and by the way do you happen to be single cause klaus kind of told me he has a bit of a crush on you already and asked me to ask you if would go to a party we are having at Slytherin house tonight with him don't worry if not either way I will help you pick an outfit for the party"

I look at klaus he is quite good looking and like I said he seems nice he could not be much worse than Draco.

"Hey Klaus I heard off Katherine that you wanted me to be your date to the Slytherin house party and I would love to" 

Klaus looks at me and says
"oh luv I am so happy you said yes i do quite fancy you and you know it would be impossible not to notice you" I blush as I say "I can't wait to see you later tonight then"

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