I can't like them both

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"Listen Hermione I kind of knew the moment that I met u that you liked Draco you could not stop looking at him but after what he said to you I kind of figured you would be better of with Klaus and you are now telling me you like both of them in my opinion I think Klaus is a perfect boyfriend for you he doesn't normally act nice except to me but we are like practically brother and sister and even then he is sometimes moody with me you seem to make each other better do you want be to use my mind compulsion to make you not like him"
"No Katherine I can forget Draco all on my own
It was nothing really I like Klaus not Draco I can't like both I refuse to so let's just forget this conversation ever happened okay"  "Whatever you say Hermione just remember I'm there for you no matter what we need to go to potions class now anyway apparently we are learning about love potions today and I may or may not done mind compulsion on Snape  so you and Klaus could work together" I got to potions and it turns out Katherine was telling the truth she had used her compulsion on Snape which was amazing right I was working with Klaus and like Katherine said we make each other better
Klaus stepped up to smell the Amortentia love potion as it smells different to each person depending on who they fancy and he said it smelt vanilla and dragon heartstring well I guess I shouldn't be surprised I wear billie eilish perfume which smells like vanilla and my wand is made of dragon heartstring. It was my turn and I smelt green apples,paint,blood and apple cologne it was clear I was smelling what both boys smelt like I just don't understand I choose Klaus he is kind and sweet to me and would defend me no matter what he has already shown me that I should off took Katherine up on her offer of mind compulsion when I had the chance oh well I gets it is to late now.

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