Kisses are for lovers.

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-Of course I like blondes, they are much hotter than brunettes.-
-No way, man, brunettes have a lot more... Personality, if you know what I mean...- Phil gestured with his hands around his chest simulating the rather generous breasts of a woman, to which everyone ( those who were still awake) burst out laughing.
It was already late at night, Rick was beginning to yawn from exhaustion, and Steve was so drunk that he fell asleep on the couch in the studio.
-Gentlemen, it's a little late, isn't it?- Phil was stroking Steve's soft hair with his fingertips. -I think we should call it a night.-
-But I'm having fun...I want to stay...- Rick (who was not yet old enough to consume alcohol, and therefore did not have a single drop of energy left in his body) yawned again, thus realizing that he really needed to take a rest, and agreeing to leave.
-Sorry man, we'll play again soon, but your mother will put a price on our heads if you're not home soon.- Phil woke Steve slowly, to take him and Rick home. -Do you guys need a ride home too?-
-Nope, thanks, I think I'll stay with this idiot here for a while longer.- Joe gently hit Sav's shoulder, who was lying on his lap, face up, to be able to observe his friend.-OUCH!!!
-Who the hell are you calling an idiot, you fag?-Both the singer and the bassist were trying to look serious, but some of the drunken, foul-mouthed laughter they were trying to suppress could be heard.
-You wish.-
-Well, don't drink too much, guys, it's late.- Finally, Phil left the place, followed by the sleepy drummer and guitarist, whom he had to take home.
-Why the hell would I want you to be a fag?-
-Well, because you're obviously in love with me ad nauseam.- Both boys looked at each other seriously until they burst into laughter, and they decided to continue the game that they had started hours ago.
-Have you ever slept with more than two girls in a single night?-
-As in some kind of orgy or separately?
-Separately, I don't want to know if you sleep with masses of high people.- Joe laughed and paused to think about his answer.
-In fact, a few days ago, in that Irish Pub, I screwed a trio of friends in the bathrooms.- Sav made a disgusted gesture that made the singer laugh out loud.
-You asked the question!- Joe shrugged and took a deep drink from his glass. -My turn, truth or dare?-
-Your first challenge of the night! Feeling bold, huh?- The bass player nodded proudly and a wicked smile invaded Joe's face. -I dare you to let me drink the rest of my drink in your belly button.-
Sav's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets.
-Are you crazy? That's gross. And unhygienic.-
-You are a coward.-
-I'm not a coward. I'm a person with half a brain.- Joe watched Sav complain as he lit the last cigarette from his pack.
-That's exactly what a coward would say, dear friend.-
-Anyways, why the hell do you want to drink from my navel?- The first cloud of smoke came out of Joe's mouth, who was looking at sav from his position, leeringly, and with his gesture of potential nymphomaniac.
-I don't know... That would make you sticky and sweet... I get a little turned on by the idea, you know?- Sav blushed furiously as he watched Joe brush clouds of tobacco across his lips.
-You're a depraved... Who's the fag now, huh?- Joe laughed slightly.
-So... Do you accept the challenge or do I finally declare myself the winner of this game?- The bassist looked indecisively at the glass of pink gin that the singer had between his fingers. The idea of being carried away by Joe's strange fantasies was not entirely unpleasant to him, they had already carried it out on some occasion long ago.
-...Screw it.-Sav shed his shirt and lay down on the floor, exposing his pale skin to the singer. Joe's eyes widened, he really hoped that Sav would remain negative in his answer, in order to win the damned game, but without a doubt the fact that the bass player accepted his challenge was victory enough for him.
-... Are you joking?-
-Do you really think I'd be freezing my back to the ground if I was?- At this point, the singer was practically salivating.
-...After this you're going to have to tie me up so I don't touch you...-
The singer spilled enough cold alcohol on the bass player's abdomen, still leaving a shot of gin in the glass, which he poured over his friend's mouth. He placed himself over Sav, enclosing him under his own body, and brought his lips closer to the young man's lower abdomen, to leave a loud kiss at that point, then he let his tongue trace the path from there to his navel, where the gin was supposedly located. Sav closed his eyes against the sensation, Joe was a pervert and a depraved, but maybe he was too, since he almost sickly enjoyed every crazy idea that came out of Joe's head.
He thought Joe would be done, since he no longer  was a trace of the liquid on his skin, but the singer continued his journey of kisses up to his chest, his neck, until he reached his half opened lips.
Joe had never kissed him.
Kisses, according to Joe, were only for lovers, no one kisses someone they don't love. That's why he had never kissed him, never until then.
He didn't know why, but his heart began to beat so fast that even Joe could feel it.
-... Are you okay? It looks like you're having a tachycardia...- Sav brushed his lips with his fingertips and looked at Joe, looking for that lustful and provocative expression. Instead he found a flushed face, which for the first time was looking into his eyes, and not the rest of his body, with a brightness incomprehensible to Sav. Joe's lips on his felt a thousand times better than he ever dreamed, he was sweet, loving, he could understand finally why he reserved kisses so strictly.
-...Did you just kiss me...?- The red on Joe's cheeks worsened.
-...I...I thought that after doing this... Sex thing... for so long, maybe it was a good idea...I didn't want to bother you at all...- Joe was a real mess in Sav's eyes at that very moment, he was something unheard of for him, Joe, the fearless, confident and attention seaker was shaking and blushing... For him?
-It doesn't bother me...absolutely not... But I thought that kisses were only for lovers...
-Well...they are...- There was absolute silence in the room, perhaps, if one listened carefully, you could distinguish the joint heartbeat of the two young people, who were still on the floor, face to face, centimeters from each other. Their heads were spinning around what came next. Should they continue with their initial mission? Maybe they should talk about what was happening at that moment? None of those could happen due to their messy thoughts being too heavy in their heads.
-...May I kiss you once more...?- Sav’s heart pounded against his chest loudly, finally understanding that they were no longer friends.
-... Please...- Just as Joe leaned down to steal a second kiss from Sav's needy lips, the younger man whispered softly against Joe's threatening lips -...I think i love you... A little bit.. .-
-I think I love you more than Just a little bit, Savvy...


No sé qué es esto, lo siento PUAJAJJJ

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