#1: Convincing

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"Attention everyone!" Declared Momo, standing up from her seat, "As requested by others before, I have gained permission to host a sleepover at my mansion so anyone who'd like to come please text me or tell me if you're coming!"

"Hell yeah, Shinsou, please go with me!"

"Wait, really?"


"I-i'll go if i can maybe bring my bunny, she's never been alone."

"We definitely have to plan a few games!"

Joyful voices filled the room as everyone excitedly rambled, already making plans about the newly mentioned sleepover.



"I didn't even finish my sentence!" Kirishima exclaimed, offended (not really).

"The last time I listened and followed along with one of your idiotic plans, you and spark plug ended up staying overnight in the hospital."

"It was one time!"

"Bakubae you have to come!" Pleaded Mina, "Everyone is going to be there, it's all going to be so much fun! You wouldn't want to miss out?"

"I really do not give a fuck."

"Really now? Are you too scared to admit you can't handle a night away from your house? Awh, Bakubae I really didn't think you were that frightened of just a little change in environment. I thought you liked a challenge?"

Katsuki could tell this was a trap, a pretty lazy trap, of course he wasn't scared at all. But he's being challenged no matter how obvious the trick is and how petty this challenge is, a challenge is a challenge and he wouldn't back down. Its not like he could care less about if he went or not.

"Of course I'm not fucking scared, I'll go to the damn sleepover but don't bother me shitheads."

"YAYYYY!" Cheered Mina.

"WAIT IS KACCHAN COMING? YES! GOOD JOB MINA!" Shouted Kaminari pausing his chattering for the recently discovered news.


As Katsuki chased Denki around the classroom, hands sparking violently, the yellow blonde ran with as much determination not to get his face blown into bits.


"Ah, hello Midoriya."

"Are you going to Momo-san's sleepover?"

"A sleepover?" Shoto had never been to one. He hesitated while answering.

"Come on, it'll be fun! Did I also forget to mention Kacchan is going too?" Deku said slight smirk ghosting over his face.

While the dual quirk user wasn't extremely obvious with his crush on the explosive boy, not much can escape the observant eyes of Izuku.

"Are you seriously convincing me with him." Todoroki asked disappointment lacing his voice jokingly.

"Yess...?" The greenette replied with a crooked smile.

"Alright yes, I will be going too. I need to text Fuyumi-san about this," sighed Shoto, whipping out his phone, already texting said older sister.

"Alright! I'll go tell Momo-san our whole group is coming to the sleepover!" Deku waved back while walking away to tell Yaoyorozu.

Looking to the side Shoto saw Katsuki sitting back at his desk, calmer than he was while chasing Denki.

'Oh it seems he's not chasing Kaminari-kun anymore. May he rest in peace.' Shoto thought briefly before beginning to admire the beautiful man in front of him.

Honey coloured rays of sunlight melted into the light blonde hair of Katsuki's. Golden triangles adorned his tan, sculpted face like jewels enhancing the already intricate carved beauty of a crown. 

Scrunched up eyebrows created creases along his face but all Shoto thought of was how cute he looked. If anyone else had heard him call the Lord Explosion Murder God 'cute' they may just have a heart attack. But the bicoloured man really believed he was.

Bakugou was gorgeous. Perfectly carved muscles, volcanic red eyes with a fire always ignited within them, hair that looked so spiky but soft at the same time and a cute small waist. But this is all only surface level. 

His personality is what had drawn Shoto in. 

An interesting person was definitely one way to describe Bakugou. Always fighting and never giving up, always fired up to become the number one hero, to reach his goals, his intelligence and his ability to always put in maximum effort in everything he does. Exploding all the time and also quite aggressive but the more you get to know him, the more you realise how good of a person he is. Always looking out for peers checking if they're injured or hurt, ensuring they are okay and safe, helping people when they are struggling in a tough time or even just with homework, noticing when someone is off and trying to cheer them up a bit though in a very indirect, round-about, different way. He is always aware of his surroundings and decides to help others and while he also vehemently refuses he has friends, he deeply cares for them.

Shoto thought all of this. Being honest, he could probably go on for hours about how amazing Bakugou is but right now isn't the time.

"Everyone, head to the changing rooms, today you will be doing a practical with Mr. Cementos," Aizawa drawled out, zipping up his yellow caterpillar sleeping bag.

The bubbly chatter of Class 1A didn't die down even as they walked from class towards the changing rooms.


Chapter 2 Will be out soon :)

Please leave any corrections if I've made errors in my writing and also a vote or a comment I really appreciate people reading my work!

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