Who is this?

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As every other year, the preseason began. All players have returned from their summer breaks to their clubs.

The routine learnt almost by hard now: park your car, walk up to the entranceway, deal with the awful feeling of every single reporter and paparazzi looking at you. The eager gossip-seekers darting to ask preposterous questions, almost every single one is a shot in the dark, made in hopes of striking gold, and to have the chance to reach the top seat on the ephemeral throne of tabloid journalism.

Just as stoic and silent as every other time, Erling cuts his way through the sea of people. Those few who dare try and look into his intimacies are struck down immediately by his ever so usual "Yeah" and "No" answers. Truly the worst enemy of informative responses.

Even so, quite a few journalists reach out to him, thinking too highly of themselves as if they would be the first ones to whom the Norwegian would respond by forming a complete sentence. The illusion is quickly wiped of their faces as the footballer spares not one glance in their direction.

It is not that Erling Haaland is full of himself or shy, but when presented with useless questions such as "what have you done this summer?", he finds "went to the beach" as an appropriate answer. He knows their intentions, the real reason for their questions, they do not care one bit about his time with his family, or if he has been well, had fun, made friends. As every famous person in the world, apparently his whole life is expected to revolve around parties, drugs and flings. In short, the certainty that the questions asked are expected to be answered by "I went to the beach, did lots of cocaine in my private luxury yacht and fucked tons of other famous people" is always present. Hence his silence or lack of elaboration for responses, after all they do not care for whatever he has to say if it's not deemed worthy of the front page.

It used to make him mad, nowadays it's simple annoyance. He plays it of as just that, something bothersome, like a very insistent mosquito or the sound old clocks make. He plays dumb, and blind, plain and effortless disregard. Being able to concentrate and shut the world around him out is one of his best qualities, at least, that is what he believes. However this particular time it might have been the actual best, even over his talent in football, which is clearly saying a lot.

Immersed in his own mind and routine responses, greets all the people he sees, not paying that much attention to where he is going to.

From the other end of the hall someone comes running, for no reason in particular. Y/n is simply a power walker, or so she likes to say. In reality she just wants to make an impression as if she were someone important and busy. In fact, she is quite important and busy, however she is a new employee, and a people pleaser, so she wants to look dashing and memorable to everybody. This might not be a really nice character trait, but really, when you meet her she is so sweet and willing to help that people don't really mind the fact she is showoff-ish.

Walking fast and reading are certainly not things you should do at the same time. But y/n likes to live life to the limit, and so, she does it.

It is imminent, a man immersed in his thoughts and a girl immersed in her files impact against each other in the middle of the hall. Papers flying everywhere, and y/n falls on her butt almost instantly, for a 170 cm tall girl as herself, the capability of toppling an almost 2m tall Viking looking athlete is clearly unimaginable.

Y/n looks up from the floor, an looks up, and up, and up. Every second that passes makes her a little more mortified, until, she finally meets his eyes. However what she sees there is not anger, or judgment, in fact she is staring into eyes that are expressing even more mortification than hers.

Suddenly she burst into a fit of laughter while she starts gathering her papers and tries to stand back up.

The man looks at her in shock, surprised by her bubbly laughter, it is quite contagious, and so he follows suit. He offers his hand so she can get up, and Y/n takes it.

She starts rambling and repeating "perdoname te juro que no vi por donde iba, perdón perdón que vergüenza", the look of utter confusion Erling gives her makes her laugh once again.

"I am SO sorry for crashing into you, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Im so sorry really. Ughh! I'm so ambarrassed " she said in one breath.

He laughs lightly "No no it's okay. I wasn't looking either so yeah. It is also my fault"

She chuckles and says very lowly "ay no soy muy pelotuda" clearly mumbled to herself while trying to organise her mess of papers. But he caught on to it and couldn't resist asking.

"What is that?"

"Oh sorry I was just talking to myself"

" I think I've herd that word before"

"What word?" she asks, making a confused face, she didn't realise what she had said.

"Pelotudo" Erling answers, in a very thick accent, a sign of his null use of the language "is it Spanish?"

"Ohh that word" she begins laughing again "yes it is Spanish, actually it's an Argentinian word, I'm surprised you know of it"

"I herd it from Julián, I think" Erling said, he is starting to be really amused by the girl's happy attitude.

"Ohh of course! Why didn't I think of Juli" she replied "it doesn't really surprise me that the only Argentinian words you've learnt are curse words, we are certainly famous for them"

Erling could only stare as she spoke and laughed, for some reason her eyes were very entrancing, her voice sweet and fast paced, the clear Argentinian accent laced in every word, her shortness in comparison to his height, her kind round face and rosy cheeks. Wait, why was he noticing all of this things? This is just a girl he bumped into, a girl he doesn't even know. He hasn't even asked about her name yet and he is already lost in her smile.

Suddenly he chrashes back into reality.

"Again sorry for bumping into you, I'll pay more attention next time! See you soon Erling!" She says rapidly and starts power walking again. He doesn't even get the chance to string two words together to reply before she disappears in the corner.

He stands there for a few seconds trying to reassemble his thoughts. He had bumped into a very nice girl, developed an instant crush as if he were thirteen years old again, hadn't even asked her name, and she had already left. He felt the situation was something similar to the kind of crushes you get at the airport or the train, that millisecond in which your eyes meet and smile at each other, and suddenly out of nowhere you are smitten with a stranger.

He continues his way to the locker room, playing out different scenarios in his mind of all the ways he hopes they meet again. Holding on to her words "See you soon Erling!". Oh yeah he certainly hopes they do.

Happy coincidence (Erling Haaland x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now