chappy 1

603 10 0

i done spent 1 2 3 am thinkin' about ya
don't wanna be without ya
cause im on that liquid courage
(drunk texting Chris brown)
elena wiley

i was now in the middle of a scream fest with my computer.
i was watching insidious 2 on netlix and im about to move to mexico city.
i chucked my laptop on my bed and tip toed downstairs into my brothers room, to get my suitcase.
im going on a school trip to la for like 4 weeks.
we're apparently going to go to disneyland and all these museums and shit. it was like $1,500 and I had to pay half so it better be good.
we're taking a plane there first then we're gonna be driving around in a bus.
if i end up sitting with someone that smells bad i will drown myself.
like have you heard of a shower boy?
i continued to tip toe into his room and he wasn't even in there. i went over to the end of his bed to grab the suitcase off the floor when an arm grabbed my ankle.
i heard my brothers obnoxious laugh from under the bed.
"you were so scared!"
he toppled over on the bed snorting whilst i grabbed the suitcase and left the room.
how the fuck am i related to that.
my brothers fourteen and i'm almost eighteen. i'm seventeen, i'll be eighteen in like 4 months.
so i mean i'm basically eighteen.
i laid the suitcase on my bed and rummaged through my clothes. long story short, i packed like my entire closet.
soon after i finished packing i slipped on an oversized tee and shorts and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and all that other shit. then i ya know hit the sack.

when the morning light goes here our souls
we will walk away from empty gold
(empty gold halsey)

i woke up bright and early ready to go to the airport, although i got no fucking sleep.
i grabbed my grey nike sweats and black tee and all black nike frees. i brushed my teeth and straightened my ever so curly hair as my brother put my suitcase in the car. shortly after i finished putting on my makeup i hopped in the car and we were on our way.

the airport was so fucking crowded. as soon as i bought a coffee i got on the plane. i managed to get a window seat in the middle somewhere. which wasn't too bad considering i almost missed the flight because i had to piss.
the flight to California is around 5-6 hours. thankfully nobody from my school sat by me they were all in the front. but just my luck a crying baby was in front of me and two old women to the right of me.
i put in my headphones and played all your fault by Chris brown. shortly after that i fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of the intercom of the plane. i checked my phone and realized it was time to get off. i grabbed my bag from under my seat. i had no idea where i was going because i realized i left my bus schedule on the plane. i tried looking around for people from my school. although i couldn't see anything barely. i was too lazy to grab my glasses out from my bag. i was so tired, i remembered my bus was a red and purple color. so i hopped on the first red and purple bus i saw and passed out from lack of sleep.

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