Fucking a slytherin

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James entered the common room, looking tired but happy. "Merlin's beard! Slughorn kept me back for extra detention. It's not my fault my potion exploded-" He was followed by Sirius. "James, we weren't making potions today- we were *meant* to be doing an exam."

He smirked, nudging James. James groaned in response. "You're the one who exploded it!" Sirius shrugged. "Well, friends who do detention together, stay together, I suppose."

Remus clears his throat as he looks at his two less intelligent and more immature friends. "Hi."

They both said in unison. "Hi, Moony." And sat down either side of him. Sirius looked to Remus with a sigh. "I promise it wasn't my fault. James was trying to impress Evans- I had to mess with him it was just too perfect."

James grumbled. "I was covered in purple goo." Sirius shrugged, "At least it worked!" Remus sits up staring at each of them and grabs a cigarette out of sirius' pocket. "Okay what happened?"

Sirius shrugged happily. "We just told you!" He smiled and took another cigarette out of his pocket. Remus sighs, lighting his cigarette and looks at him. "Yeah at like 100 miles an hour I didn't understand anything that just came out of either of your mouths."

Devon comes into the Gryffindor common room. "hey guys." Sirius shrugged again, putting the cigarette to his lips and using Moony's to light his own. "Sounds like a you problem, sweetheart." He winked. James smiled, "Hi dev." And Sirius gave a nod and a smile.

Remus smirks at Sirius and looks at Sirius' little sister. "Hey dev, where have you been?" Devon sits down on the chair next to the sofa. "In slytherin common room." Sirius scoffed.

"Of course you have." He shook his head. "What's the time?" James checked the clock, "Almost 10. I reckon the others will be back soon."

She stands up to Sirius. "Why do you hate the slytherins so much I mean Sirius one of them is our brother and their a lot like you guys." She goes to grab a drink. James rolled his eyes. "I'm afraid my experiences with them haven't been as nice as yours." He said dryly. Sirius growled, "our brother is an idiot."

"Okay I get it snevelus has been horrible to lily and your angry about that, hell I'm angry about that too lily is one of my best friends but people like barty, regulus, Theo and Evan haven't done shit to you, their nice guys and they just want to concentrate and do their best but when you keep pulling useless pranks it's not very easy." Devon says standing up pissed off about their views on the slytherins.

Remus whistles. "Damn girl I've been waiting for someone to say that for years." He takes a puff of his cigarette.

Sirius sighed, resting his head in his hands. "Devon, I literally do not care who you hang out with. You're allowed to have other friends."

Sirius knew what Regulus was capable of. Despite their trauma bond, they had occasions where they were pretty horrible to each other.

"Then stop saying such horrible things about them because their my friends and their Lenoras friends too." She sighs as she walks back over to the chair peeling an orange. Sirius raised a defensive eyebrow. "I didn't *actually* say anything about them, you know?" James nodded, running a hand through his dark hair. "He really didn't."

Moments later, Lenora entered the room, with a smile on her face. "Hey, Lennie." Sirius said with a smile. "Hey girl what's up?" She moves over so she can sit on the same chair as her.

"So let's get this straight you two were in slytherins common room and you weren't told to get out by Snape or a teacher?" He says in a suprised tone because when he was dating someone in Hufflepuff he was never allowed in the common room.

Sirius looked to Remus with a chuckle. "Girls get away with everything." He shrugged. Lenora chuckled, nodding. "Yep! It's true." She leaned back in her chair, a smile on her face.

Devon sighs and stands up putting her orange peal in the bin. "Okay well I'm gonna go back into the slytherin common room, I have some finished business." She walks out and makes her way to the slytherin room.

Meanwhile remus looks at Sirius thinking he's gonna go all overprotective brother. "She was definitely meaning something not PG." he chuckles to himself. Lenora nodded. "It's true. She does." She agreed with a laugh. Sirius crossed his arms, grumpily furrowing his bushy eyebrows. "You guys didn't have to *say* it." Lenora shrugged. "Gotta do what you gotta do, I guess."

Remus lifts himself up being an intrested bisexual guy. "Wait wait wait is she fucking someone in slytherin? If so I want to know who!" He grabs a drink for himself and Sirius, sitting back down next to him.

Lenora shrugged, being an uninterested asexual girl, "Theo says her and Crouch have a history. I don't know the details." Sirius groaned, "Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up." Sirius nodded, and hummed. "I can definitely see Barty being her type."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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