Passive!Nightmare x Reader (cuddles)

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(In this the apple incident never happened and Passive became a (mostly) functional adult el oh el)

Nightmare never had a real friend before, especially not one like (Y/N). They could be so sweet, yet so sour to anyone who dared to cross them. (Y/N) walked with their head held high while all Nightmare could do was look at his feet. But nonetheless they fit each other like a glove, Nightmare loved hearing (Y/N) rant about whatever particular thing made them angry that day, and they were the only person (other than his brother, who was usually busy anyways) that would listen to him ramble about his books.

But on this particular day Nightmare could see that (Y/N) seemed down in the dumps about something. He was very worried for his best friend but just couldn't muster up the words to ask. They both sat on the couch, watching one of their favorite movies in silence where it would usually be loud due to (Y/N)'s energy. Nightmare eventually mustered up the courage to ask.

"Hey (Y/N)? Are you upset about something..? Whats happened?" He didn't fully face them, his eyes still glued to the TV as he asked trying to make it as casual of a question as possible.

(Y/N) barely responded to this however, just making a barely audible 'mm' sound. This made Nightmares concern grow, he turned his head towards them and slowly scooted to their end of the couch "I promise you can tell me, no pressure or anything but.. I'm your friend, I will never judge you for anything-"

Then suddenly (Y/N) hugged Nightmare. His face contorted in surprise for a moment before a smile reached his lips and he hugged back. They stayed there, eventually readjusting to be able to watch the show together. Nightmare wasn't going to press for anymore answers, he was just happy if (Y/N) was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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