-TWs + Headcannons-

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•Dazai, M*ri, Akutagawa

•Bad English and Grammer (even though 1st language)

•noncannon actions, words, and overall most is probably not cannon

•Misgendering (Unknown and known)
-recently started headcannoning Dazai being a Demiboy with a preference of They/them but I don't see many doing non-binary Dazai (might differ depending on fanfic and I might accidentally misgender Dazai so I apologize if so)

•Dazai is presented with severe ADHD and PTSD

•Attempted overdose on ADHD pills and Antidepressants

•implied sexual assault

•Presented and mentioned ED

•Self Harm (scratching but might later add more inflicting objects)


•I don't struggle with some things mentioned so it might be misguiding but I try to use research to present illnesses and situations with accuracy

-I might end up adding more warnings and headcannons later on if anything changes.
Please tell me if I need to add anymore warnings or have anything offensive or misguiding


•Dazai goes by They/them pronouns and prefers using they/them but doesn't bother telling the agency as they feel like they don't deserve happiness and the feeling of comfort

•Members of the Port Mafia who had a slither of importance towards Dazai are seen using their pronouns as Dazai trusted them enough to tell them(pm members)

•Dazai has severe ADHD (hinting to why Dazai tries staying away from coffee or caffeine) and PTSD -ptsd might be cannon but idk 😶-

•Dazai is Asexual because of past circumstances involving assault and will sometimes spiral at topics relating to sexual activities (meaning pls don't ask for sexual content in this fanfic)

•Dazai loves attention and cuddles but believes they dont deserve such a human emotion and shuts it off leaving them lonely at night

•Is brought up and acknowledged later into the fanfic

•Dazai loves cold showers as they are used to them being their only form of water when living in the shipping container

•Dazai suffers from Pica which mainly focuses around erasers but sometimes when stressed paper and cardboard

Pica- an ED that causes you to crave and chew (sometimes eat) non nutritional materials such as erasers, clay, and chalk

•When stressed, Dazai may scratch at their hands and sometimes ends up undoing their bandages by accident when they start excessively scratching

-more will be added in future if needed.
Inform me if anything is needed to be change

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