Sorting ceremony

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AUTHORS NOTE: This story will probably pick up more in the next chapter. Also if there are any spelling errors or anything that's hard to read please let me know.


      At the beginning of another school year, first years flood the great hall. Their eyes are wide awestruck at the wonders that are Hogwarts. Candles floated from the ceiling and of course, the sorting hat sat front and center waiting. Cheers flooded the room as each child was sorted. "It seems like there are more and more Gryffindors every year... like we need more careless ignorant bastards on campus" I loathed.

      Luna soon chimed in "We'll, I think it's fantastic that we have those full of courage. It can't always be a bad thing Y/N. Try to have an open mind." Another sigh escaped my lips " I have an open mind that's exactly why I'm at this table, why most of us are at the RAVENCLAW table." Luna let out a small smile, though it seemed more one of discontent. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. She is my best friend after all. I don't want to lose another relationship.

Soon enough the feast started, first years shoveled food into their mouths like their stomach was a bottomless pit. It made me sick to watch. I love a good meal as much as the next person but this is just revolting. A young boy sat across from Y/N stuffing his mouth full of whatever he could get his hands on. "My name is James Thompson! What's yours?!" He asked excitedly food flying from his mouth onto Y/N's already scarce plate. "Y/N," I said coldly. I already barely wanted to eat, thanks for ruining it, kid.

   " You don't look so good are you ok hun?" Luna questioned me. Now that she mentioned it I was feeling a bit queasy. "I'm fine, just a little nauseous. I'll probably just put my head down for a bit I'll be ok" I reassured her.

The House heads finished their meals and began to make rounds to their consecutive houses, greeting first years and welcoming back those returning. What seemed almost instantaneously Professor Flitwick made his way over to Y/N.  His hand rested on my back. "Are you alright Y/N ?" He asked softly. I lifted my head to the sound of my professor's voice and quickly straightened out. "If I'm being honest professor, I'm not feeling entirely right. I think there is just too much going on for me right now."

    Anxiety washed over me. Professor Flitwick was always understanding but for some reason, I felt as if he wouldn't believe me. His eyes glanced around the room filled with hundreds of students and their voices conjoining into one loud incoherent discord of sound. "I understand. Y/N you are dismissed. You may go to your room or the library. Nowhere else. As you are a 6th year and one of my best students I trust you entirely."

     His words relieved me I was free to leave this mess. I never really enjoyed the sorting ceremony since my third year. I quickly got up and walked out. While doing so there was an eerie feeling as if someone was watching my every move as I walked out.

I made my way over to the library with a skip in my step. The smell of books always made me feel better. As I approached the library a dark figure stood in the doorway back turned against me, talking angrily. The voice was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Against my better judgment, I reached my hand out to touch him just like a curious child.

    In an instant, he turned around pining me to the wall. His muscular hand gripping my throat cutting almost all air flow off. His long blond hair draped over his face as his icy blue eyes pierced into my soul.

     "Y/N?!" His grip released my throat allowing me to catch my grip. "I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy. I shouldn't have startled you like that." My eyes glanced down to the floor, utterly terrified of looking him in the eyes. "Entirely my fault darling. No need to apologize." His gaze softened. "If I may ask what are you doing outside of the great hall?" I took in one last deep breath before answering. "If you must know, Professor Flitwick gave me permission to leave due to the overstimulation of the great hall."

       His face immediately shifted from concerned to annoyed. He lifted an eyebrow " Is that so?" "Yes." A snarky tone escaped my throat as I answered his question. Why was it any of his damn business, and why the fuck was he here anyway.

Mr.Malfoy did not seem pleased at all, his face had a look of disgust at Y/N's answer. "May I pass sir?" I asked as politely as you could ask a brick wall. "Of course." His tone was once again cold. A wisp of black smoke flew out the window behind Mr. Malfoy, although Y/N paid no attention to it as she just wanted some quiet. Mr.Malfoy stepped to the side and he continued to stare at Y/N until she was no longer visible within the library. His gaze was not one of a man but one of a hungry wolf ready to devour his prey.

I finally was able to get away from the crowd. Peace... peace...
"FUCKKKK! How the hell can I have peace? Why has Malfoy here?! Draco couldn't have already found something wrong with this year. Of course, he could it's Draco. But since when did his father ever actually show up?!" Y/N whispered to herself. "Whatever I'll find it out in the morning for now... history of ancient magic." Y/N lit her candles and began studying. A dimly lit corner in the back all to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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