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Once upon a time there was a tale, but it was not a tale about princesses and fairies, it was the simple tale about an alien who starts his travel on Earth for the first time and and experiences strange emotions for the first time. We travel together!

It's a beautiful day in Planet Phili, and our alien is ready for his journey at the Earth planet. He goes to his ship, feeling very happy and promises that he will discover the biggest secret: LOVE.

On the Planet Phili, this is a rare word and its 'citizens' don't know its meaning. However, how did they know about its existence? Simple, they are curiosity aliens and study human emotions, and the humans pronounce LOVE many time hourly, a daily, a weekly, a yearly, and this word has come to annoy them. Our dear Alien is a voluntary for the mistery under LOVE. They belief him.

Our dear Alien names ALE, ALE is very young, is somewhat silly, is somewhat distracted, but is pure hearted. He has always wanted that them to recognize him for any thing, since, they have always mocked him because he is very young, is somewhat silly and is somewhat distracted, without recognize his goodness. But, this is the moment, his moment. ALE just uploaded to his ship and less to less he looks to them like an ants, he says goodbye, but no one sees him, poor ALE.

From the ship, all things are so magical, so strange, he had never seen everything so close on the skoob (books) of the Phili's school -obviusly 'school' is not its name, but like neither you nor me are aliens and ALE didn't say me the name of those place, we called it 'school' ok?- the planets, the stars, the comets, that small it can be at the universe.

At some moment, he wasn't sure how, his small ship began to move very quickly with him inside, causing him to input a strange place, a place that shouldn't be strange since is the destination of the trip: Earth planet. What happens is that nobody tells him exactly what planet Earth is like, that's why it is a strange place, although it hadn't even crossed his mind to ask, poor ALE.

ALE gets off his ship and feels about his head a rare liquid substance that falling and falling without stopping, dunking him in the process. Oh, this is the famous 'water'. How can humans live with her? ALE doesn't understand, but less to less he begin to dance with not justify reason, poor ALE who does not understand. However, he decides to walk freely, forgetting for a moment that it's not his home. Soon he notices the presence of some strangers, maybe they are not strangers but as the little ALE never listens, he doesn't realize that they are us, the beings humans.

Really, ALE is not different from us, even he perfectly could be a little human with wool cap, even so, he scared us and runs to the little ship. From there, he observes from afar what they are doing. Not ALE, they are not strangers, they are humans.

Say what you want, bue ALE sees something that this time is strange, that is, who in its right mind mixes its drool with someone else's?

Is it a some kind of exotic ritual? Because that seems: First, one human bring his o her...that with what it eats... to the that with what is eats of the other human. Is it necessary that in a few seconds both of them are together like a pair of gums stuck together?

'Ugh,' thinks poor ALE. He didn't expect to see a kiss. And he hopes never to see it again.

A sound brings him out of his state of disgust. Oh, damn device.

On his hand he had a special device: LOVE radar. This device was given to him a few days ago his travel to ensure the results of his investigation. It's assumed that the LOVE radar in front of an act of LOVE to will sound and will notify its user. Well, this damn radar sounds in this moment and draws the attention of the human couple.

ALE doesn't know how to hide. At the same time, he didn't know how to react.

Is that supposed to be LOVE? Bah, he expected something better.

Somehow, he gets to scape and walk for ohers streets. At the same time, he puts the radar in vibration mode, he doesn't want the same fuss of a moments ago. Of course, the radar vibrates on his hand, and vibrates many times, but, incredibly, every cases is not because that ritual of he saw.

He saw simple actions like holding hands, hugs, nice words, comfort, care. And it is not only two persons of the same years, also there are olds with childs, moms, dads, or between children as friends.

Where did he see this before?

Oh right: In planet Phili. In planet Phili there are also the same things, there is also consolation, there are also friends, they also take care. So, Why do they only call LOVE what humans do? Can't everyone feel it? In planet Phili its name is OVLE and really are the same letters, it is just a different order.

Maybe they do not that singular ritual, but it is not means a bad thing, right?

Yes, of course ALE, it is not bad. I'm very happy for you, since finally you understand that was not necessary make a travel for know that is LOVE, because LOVE is for all places, even in Phili planet.

Oh, poor ALE who has come and found the same answers.


If you ever feel like someone is watching you when you're with your special person, don't doubt that it's ALE or perhaps another alien like him, also coming to investigate. If you want him to go away because you want privacy, you just tell him: "LOVE is OVLE".

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