Call Me What You Like.. As Long As You Call Me

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"And you can kiss the skin from my lips"

Name - Oliver Henderson

"'Til it makes you feel good"

Fandom - Stranger Things

"I'm not sure if you want it"

Role - Dustin's Cousin

"Not sure if you need me too"

Faceclaim - Brady Hepner

"And you can taste the beer"

Age - 12 to 17 (depends on the rp)

"On every guy who talks to you"

Backstory - His parents died in a car wreck, so he has to live with his cousin, Dustin. He and Dustin are really close, both of them being guys and only children.

"But you can't stay awake forever"

Feelings about his parents - They were great people, the only people who ever really knew him for him so he's sad that they're gone, but hopefully they're in a better place.

"No you can't stay awake forever"

Traits - good with kids, strong, he can be silly at times, but also very serious

"This just in:
I am a total fucking dumbass"

Likes - kids, people he's close with, making others laugh, making people smile

"And I've come to the uncomfortable conclusion"

Dislikes - people who try to bring others down, people hurting others, fighting though he is good at it, people bringing up his parents

"I'll be spending the rest of my life in a state"

Tics/anxiety movements - he likes to twirl his fingers together till they hurt, often has a lighter on hand and with stick his finger over the fire.

"Of constant paranoia"

If you need to know anything else, then you should be able to ask the admin, that's all.. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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