Chapter 1

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Etho Hulson woke up on the floor of a barred stone cell with a dull ache in his side, he shifted positions and winced as the pain spiked from the movement, and he slowly inched toward the bars of the room. On his right, there was a cell with a tall dark skinned boy and girl, and a short bat-like demon girl, and the cell on his left was empty. Etho sighed and went over how he got here. I was harvesting shushrooms for Fable, and someone attacked me.. I bet they brought me here. He decided he should come up with a way to get out of here. He tried for about 10 minutes to draw a simple spell circle, but quickly realized that something was preventing him.

He absentmindedly tapped the cell bars to a beat, then realizing he could use it, he worked out the different sounds of the bars and hit them to the tune of a song he had heard the other day in the forest. Dun, duh-duh-dun dun-dun dun-duhh, duh-duh-dun dun-dun dun-duhh. He figured that if he tried hard enough, he might be able to use the sound to create a weak bard spell. And if he could do that, he could.. get out? Maybe? He continued tapping this song until he heard footsteps and peered through the bars to see Head Witch Raine Whispers, he had went to school with them as a kid. They walked by and glanced at him, probably confused by the tapping, and he stopped the sound, only glaring at them until they passed his cell completely. Etho watched them open the room on his right and guide the three "criminals" down the ramp, as he watched, perplexed.

He stood up, grabbing the bars, and shouted at them, "Hey! What'd they do to get out?"

The demon girl turned to respond. "Not be a criminal?"

"Not like I broke any laws anyway! ..In front of anyone.." He commented as they hurried down the building. Etho huffed and figured that his so-called-plan wasn't working, and that he should probably try to brute-force his way out of the cell before they did anything horrible to him.

Okay,  these bars can't be too strong, there are dents in some of them..  He was strong, he could probably kick one or two out of place.

He crouched down and braced himself against the bars. 3, 2.. 1. He kicked as hard as he could in his condition, and flinched in response to a heavy clunk sound. Dang, these are tougher than I thought. He kicked it again and it made an alarming clank. Etho bent over and, ignoring the new pain in his ankle, managed to bend the remaining parts of the bar out of the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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