Blocked VII

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Rexxvia, and Amy enters a building that phym believes their are living people here.

Amy: So you were attacked by a CoryKenshin Robot?

Rexx: Yeah, it even went as far as calling us "fake samurai" it didn't matter if you were an OG, anyone that were blocked and sent here are considered fake samurai and sentence to death, just like poor Julian.

Amy: Julian... I assume he's that dead guy in the foyer mansion.

Rexx: That's him.

Amy: Damn, that robot show no mercy huh?

Rexx: nope, and the robot is not the only threat here. I met the two Yanderes in the school behind us.

Amy: Two!? Who were they?

Rexx: The two were, Ayano Aishi and Sayaka Himura.

Amy: Dude, how are you alive right now?

The two stop as they both heard screaming outside.

Amy: Um... are we just going to ignore that scream?

Rexx: Yep.

Phym appears on Rexx's back again.

Phym: It's too dangerous outside now, the two girls that were chasing you at school are currently out there now.

As Rexx and Amy continued deeper into the building, they couldn't help but feel uneasy about the strange and unpredictable threats they were facing in this twisted world. The flickering lights and eerie atmosphere only added to their growing sense of dread.

Rexx: We need to find a place to lay low and regroup. This building might have some supplies or weapons we can use.

Amy nodded in agreement, and they continued down a dark corridor. They passed several locked doors, but eventually found one that was slightly ajar. Cautiously, they entered the room, which appeared to be an old storage area filled with dusty boxes and broken furniture.

As they rummaged through the debris, they discovered a few items that could prove helpful: a rusty pipe, and a flashlight with just enough battery life left, and some snacks that are surprisingly not expired. They pocketed their finds and continued to explore the building, hoping to find others who had been sent here like them.

Amy: So, Phym what's your story? how did you end up here?

Phym: I... I don't know. I don't remember how I got here. All I can remember is hearing a voice saying "Save these poor unfortunate souls." and that's when I found Daddy.

Amy: Aww, she thinks you're her Dad.

Rexx: Yeah, and it's kinda weird, I mean I've just met her but it felt it wasn't my first time meeting her.

After a while, they stumbled upon a large room with a massive steel door. The door had a small, heavily scratched window, making it difficult to see through. Rexx cautiously approached the door and peered inside.

Rexx: There are people in there, but they look... different.

Amy joined him and squinted her eyes to see through the scratched window. Inside the room, several individuals were huddled together, their faces pale and eyes vacant. It was clear that something terrible had happened to them.

Amy: We need to help them, Rexx. We can't just leave them here.

Rexx hesitated for a moment, knowing that opening the door could put them in even more danger. But he couldn't ignore the desperate need to help those trapped inside. With a deep breath, he pushed the heavy steel door open.

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