Distant Memories

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I tossed and I turned, the bed creaking underneath me and the covers rolled off my body. Tree branches slapped at my window. I shivered. My eyes snapped open as I pulled my covers tighter around my body, digging my head into the pillow. Flickers of light entered the corner of my eyes, causing me to roll over with a grunt. Giggles were heard in the background.

"You look like a ball of covers," my little sister said, continuing to giggle. I rolled my drowsy eyes.

"Well, it's cold," I replied to her in an agitated voice. She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say, Georgia."


My eyes were heavy and engulfed in darkness as I was pulled out of my memories. I wanted to wake up. I wanted to see my sister again, but no matter how much I tried to force my eyes to open, they refused. Memories swallowed me once more.


"Daddy?" I whispered as my heart thumped against my chest. Sounds of shattering rung in my ears. This wasn't daddy. Daddy didn't smash glass. Frightened, I crawled underneath my bed, footsteps gaining on my bedroom.

"Georgia, this is Uncle Toby. Sorry if I frightened you, I didn't realise there was a glass on the bench and knocked it over," my Uncle explained in a soft, sincere voice. I crawled out from underneath my bed and tiptoed to my door.

"Where's daddy?" I questioned my Uncle, staring at the white carpet.

"He had to work late due to a crisis at the police station and called me to look after you," he said.

"But mummy is here," I told him in an innocent voice. After all, it was true.

"I know, but daddy thought you needed protection because mummy is fast asleep," he explained and I could imagine his small smile behind the door. Finally, with a sigh, I opened the door slowly, peering out. Sure enough, my Uncle stood with his arms crossed and his blue eyes were sunken and had no sparkle like usual.

"I'm a big girl," I complained with a pout. My Uncle laughed slightly.

"Don't worry about it Georgia, just go back to sleep," he then said after a minute of silence. I nodded at him, not complaining. My eyes had suddenly grown heavy so I walked back over to my bed, jumping onto it, looking at my Uncle who still stood by the door. "Goodnight Georgia," he spoke, giving me a soft smile before turning my light off. I never saw whether or not he left, or stayed to watch me because my eyes grew heavy until at last - sleep came to me.


Whispers of voices entered my ears and I could feel someone's warm hand touch mine.

"She'll wake up, Jasmine," a girl's voice spoke.

"Of course she will," Jasmine said in a voice of determination.


I giggled as I was spun in a circle by Damon who was smiling at me, his dimples appearing.

"I love you," he spoke in a soft voice, wrapping his hands around my waist. I smiled at him, staring into his chocolate brown eyes.

"I love you too, Damon," I said as he pulled in to kiss my lips. Damon and I were standing in my backyard watching my younger cousins play in the pool. Sun shone onto my face causing beads of sweat to form on my forehead. I quickly wiped them away.

"I'm going to get an ice block, want one?" Damon asked me, bending down to grab his blue singlet from the ground.

"Yes please," I answered with a smile, watching as he pulled his shirt back on.

"I'll be back in a minute. Don't have too much fun without me," he said with a laugh, wandering back inside my house.


"Hey, Georgia. It's me, Damon again. I love you," Damon said in a voice of pain. It sounded as though he had been crying for hours. I wanted nothing more than to snap my eyes open. To wake up from the darkness, but no matter how hard I tried, my eyes remained shut.

I slipped back into an unconscious state. Damon's voice fading with every second.


I drove along the busy road, humming to the song that played on the radio. I was on my way to university after taking off two weeks after visiting my best friend in New York with Damon. Then I decided to get sick for five days.

The weather was average. The sky blue, but not the bright blue you would see on a summer's day. There was no rain, no fog and there was a slight gust of wind. It wasn't cold, but not hot either. It was the type of warmth you would usually have in spring, although it was autumn.

I turned around the corner, slowly, and with precision. A white truck was in the lane beside me, going faster than I was, but not much. I didn't think anything of it until I came to a stop at the red lights. As soon as they were green again, the truck was off, but this time faster. During the span of five minutes I began to notice the way the truck swerved and veered closer to my lane each time it happened. I should have known what was to come next.

In a split second my heart was thumping against my chest as I swerved to escape from the truck that was now in between the two lanes. My two left wheels fell into the dip where the road stopped and only dirt and trees were. The truck swerved closer, scraping at the side of my silver car and it continued to inch further off the road until the truck was out of control, swinging into the side of my car. The two of us tumbled down the drop of the slight hill. I screamed as the car flipped onto its back, continuing to slip down a steeper hill. The white truck had hit a large rock, stopping in its tumble on the trucks side. The sight made me scream more. I was alone and tumbling down a hill. Shards of glass shattered and flew at my face and my hands that clutched at the steering wheel as though it was my saviour. My air bag had exploded, protecting me from falling out the window and other things, but it didn't stop the car from falling down the hill that was gradually getting smaller. I sucked in a shaky breath and started to cry.

Was I going to die?


I was in a state of nothingness. No voices, just pitch black and my own thoughts. I tried to grasp at words people may have been saying. I did, but only for long enough to hear a loud beeping noise and a horrible cry. Then, I faded back into nothingness.

Was I dead?

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