Late Night Philosophical Pillow Talk With Pina Coladas!

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Time does fly by fast. It was already the last night before the end of their one-week stay in Zevil Island. Killua, together with Mitsu just finished wandering around to look for the girl's target.

Lady luck seemed to be smiling down upon them. They had found her target just right before the sun settled. They didn't even break a sweat when they snatched his tag. The man himself was knocked out before he could even realize his failure in the exam is set.

Mitsu has acquired tag number 390. She holds it, throwing it onto the air. "Finally have this. " She said as she caught the tag.

"Don't you dare throw that again." Killua looked over her, precisely on the tag on her hand. He won't ever let her do anything stupid anymore, not on his watch.

Mitsu looked at him raising her brow, "Of course I won't. It's my target."

"All of this wouldn't have happened if you just kept that tag, Killua stated as he sat down on the ground.

They've been aimlessly walking around but that's not what makes him exhausted. It's his companion's idiocy. "What would you do if we never found him?"

"Nothing, i would've failed?" Mitsu replied sitting down beside him.

His eye twitched in irritation just hearing this girl's reply.

Not just her words, her tone alone is irritating. His eyes narrowed down as he turned to her. "Listen here, if that did happen I'll also fail."

The blonde could only tilt her head to the side, the loose strands of her head following "Huh? Why would you fail?"

The silver-haired boy could only grind his teeth together.

Explaining things are tiresome but not as tiresome as waking her up after not having a full eight hours of sleep. "If you fail, I fail. I told you didn't I? It'll be lame if you failed with me as your companion." He stated. His ocean blue eyes looking at her red ones.

"Then if I pass, you pass. What if you fail?"

A vein popped out his head. This girl is looking down on him

"There's no way I'll fail. Just who do you think I am!?"

Mitsu's lips curved into a smile as she addressed Killua, "You, Killua, are my favorite companion," she said, basking in the moonlight that illuminated her features.

However, Killua's mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. He was confident in his abilities to pass the exam, given his lineage from a prominent family of assassins. The challenges ahead were mere child's play to him.

But then he realized that Mitsu wasn't aware of his unique abilities, having not been listening when he revealed his secret to Gon. Killua released a sigh, feeling the tension in his shoulders ease up slightly.

"Mimi," he used her nickname, she loved it when he did that, "What are your thoughts on death?" Mitu's head lowered a bit as her blue eyes looked down at the ground, observing the structure of a fallen leaf.

"Well i'm not really afraid of it anymore." she replied calmly as she slowly sat on the floor.

Killua noticed that her face was scrunched up and her fists were balled, but she was still smiling. He realized that he must have triggered an unpleasant memory for her, and the tension between them became more and more uncomfortable.

"What about murderers?" he asked, hoping to get more insight into her thoughts on the topic. Her last response was very vague, but he was curious to know more.

"I'm no necessarily a fan but i really can't be talking," Mitsu trailed off, her blue eyes looking up and locking onto his. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him down so he was sitting next to her "But if i were to know said murderer then that would be a different story"

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