May we meet in another lifetime..

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Alexander was 23 years old while his boyfriend rito was 20, his boyfriend rito was secretly a killer and Alex knew about it but didn't tell anyone, one day rito came home after a killing spree and found his boyfriend shirtless so he hugged him from behind with bloody hands and then rito touched Alex's hands and stained his chest and hands with blood, the next day the police was knocking on every neighbourhood door to look for the killer who was rito, they knocked on Alex's house door and Alex opened it and as they were asking him questions about the killer one officer noticed his blood stained hands and arrested him at the time this was happening rito was at his parents house which wasn't far away. Once rito found out that Alex was arrested he went to the police station and told them the truth about him being the killer, it took the police some time but after showing them proof he was the killer they believed him, they let rito see his boyfriend Alex one last time before He went to prison and killed, he hugged his boyfriend and kissed him on his lips as he said his final words "I love you Alex.." , Alex didn't understand what was happening he thought they would go back home together and live their lives normally, as Alex saw his boyfriend being taken away to prison he was
screaming and crying to a point where 3 police officers had to hold him back....

~2 years later~

Alex was sitting in front of ritos grave crying and repeating the same words "it was all my fault..." until he saw a paper buried in the dirt, he opened it and read it as tears left his eyes...

"Dear Alex

If you are reading this it means I'm currently dead, I want you to take care of Eliana and when she asks about me tell her that daddy's in a better place.

As for you I want you to move on I can't handle seeing you alone and crying every single second of the day ever since I've been dead, and if you haven't yet tell my family that I was a killer

May we meet in another lifetime


As Alex finished reading the paper he was sobbing and talking to himself "I can't move on...I can't move on from you...I love you too much..." an hour later he went home and Eliana ran to him "papa your home!" She said happily "well that's my cue to leave" said Alex's sister "bye aunt Katie!!" Said Eli as Alex picked her up "bye Eli!" Said Katie as she walked away, as Eli and Alex sat and played together Eli asked a question Alex thought was too early for her to be asking about... "papa where's daddy?" He looked at her shocked "why are you asking sweetie?" He responded not knowing what to say "well I saw a photo of a man that looked a bit like me and aunt Katie said that he was my other dad but she told me to ask you if I want more answers" he didn't know what to say until he remembered the paper "look sweetie daddy's currently in a better place and he won't be coming back for a veryyyy veryyyyy long time so until then it's gonna be us and only us okay?" He said almost crying "okay!" Said Eli

~the end~

Btw if y'all can give me suggestions on the next part of the story please do I need suggestions😭

And shoutout to my before bed scenarios for helping me come up with this story😘🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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