somewhere only we know - chapter 16

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"It was nice of her parent's to give you some of her ashes," Jeff glanced over at the small wooden tube in Troy's lap.

The study group had decided to help Troy scatter the ashes that he was given. As uncomfortable as it seemed to be a part of, they knew Troy needed it.

"Yeah, I just hope she likes the place I picked," Troy said, not looking up from his lap.

He investigated the strange urn, no larger than a common toothpick holder. Her parents had told him it was meant for scattering, and that's what they wanted him to do. They wanted him to take her to a place she would have loved.

"Why did you pick this spot, by the way?" Jeff asked as well pulled into the parking lot of Greendale.

"The library was her favorite place. It's where we met. I just felt like it would be a good spot. Do it right outside of the library doors," Troy shrugged.

They all got out of their cars and walked up to the doors, no words being spoken.

Jeff was thinking about how long he was going to have to sit there. He understood that Troy was upset, but honestly, he felt like this was taking too long.

Britta felt nothing but sorrow for Troy. Losing someone you love sucks, and she just wanted his pain to be over.

Annie worried about how Troy was going to handle all of this after it was over.

Shirley said a silent prayer in her mind, praying that Maisy had felt peace in the end.

Pierce, surprisingly, had made an anonymous donation and paid for the entire funeral. He had seen how important Maisy was to Troy. He wanted to make something easier.

Abed was thankful he didn't have to grab any of the trackers.

"Well, uh, this is it. Have fun reading all of the books you've ever wanted. And eating Halloween lasagna. Which I still don't get," Troy's hands shook as he opened the scattering tube, staring at the ashes inside.

"I love you, Maisy. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to make it up to you."

As he tipped the tube upside down, a strange feeling filled his chest. It felt like the first time he had kissed Maisy. Like the first time he had made her laugh.

"Do you want a minute alone?" Abed asked.

"No, I'm good. I think I'm alright," Troy smiled, trying to commit the feeling to memory.

"If you say so. I'm going to miss her making us extra food," Abed sighed.

"I'm sure you will, Abed. I'm sure you will. Why don't we go and get some food. My treat," Jeff suggested.

The study group agreed, and they all began walking back to their cars, trying to begin to live life as it was.

Troy did stay back for a moment, staring at the library doors for just a moment. "At least it was here. I almost picked the trampoline park's parking lot. Bye, Maisy."

Librarian Blues❖Troy BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now