Before reading

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Hi guys !

I'm sure right now you're thinking "Dear author, I know you were on drugs when you wrote this !"

I wasn't. (And by the way that's not a nice thing to think). Now before you start calling me a liar, let me explain how this masterpiece was created...

Imagine it's June 6th, 13:10, and also your very last English class of the year. Imagine you're with 3 of your friends and you're having fun.

Now imagine your (very excited) teacher suddenly says : "Since this is the last time we are seeing each other (until next year), we'll do a creative writing game ! I will choose 3 sentences and you're going to write a story. The first sentence will be the beginning of your story, the 2nd one will be in the middle of your story, and the 3rd one will be the last sentence of your story, okay ? And then each group will read their story and we'll vote to decide which one is the funniest !"

(I bet you're slowly understanding now, aren't you ?)

So imagine that the 1st sentence was : "I was dressed in a completely inappropriate shade of pink", the 2nd one was : "There you go, making up lies again, that's what they told me" and the 3rd one was : "The thing she did to the brakes of the Honda !"

Now imagine you have really crazy friends (even crazier than you) who gave you a crazy idea.

Well that's what happened to me, and thanks to our 4 fucked-up brains put together, the piece of nonsense you're about to read (if I haven't scared you yet) was born.

And you want to know the worst part ? We're actually very proud of it, so enjoy !

(And a special thank you to C. who came up with the idea in the first place) !

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