love you till the end

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(young y/n) POV
"Oh harry I'll miss you," I say sniffling and hugging Harry.

"I'll miss you more, y/n, don't forget me," he says hugging me.

(Y/n parents) "Come on, y/n, the cars all packed," dad says as he walks over

                      3rd POV
Harry and y/n finish their goodbyes and stop hugging. Y/n goes to her father and they leave.
Harry stands there crying as his parents come to hug him telling him it'll be ok...

(Young Harry) POV
She hugs me crying, I hold her tight. "Oh, I'll miss you, Harry," she says as I start to tear up more holding her tighter. "I'll miss you more... y/n don't forget me," I say  as her dad comes around the corner. "Come on, y/n, the cars all packed up." As hard as I try I can't hold back the tears pouring out of my eyes I let go of her and she walks away with her dad.

  *                 6years later            *

  3rd POV
(Teacher)  "Mrs (y/l/n)!?"

"Uh ah yes?.. Mrs Collins?"

"Do you know what pi is?.."

"Uhmm... 3.14?"

"Correct!... and Mrs y/l/n save the day dreaming for home please"
The class laughs

"Ah yes ma'am sorry won't happen again"

"That's it for today class your free to go..."

*In head* "great this is what the 15th time the teacher has caught me daydreaming"

I head out into the hallway putting my books in my locker I close my locker then almost jump out my body

"Jesus Hera you scared me"
I say with my hand over my heart

She burst out Laughing "sorry... I couldn't... Help myself" she's says in between laughs

"Glad my jumpiness amuses you"

"Sooo did you daydream today about you know who???" She ask nudging me

"Who?" I say playing dumb..... Hera is my best friend probably my only she's the only one I talk too when I daydream she knows who it's about

"Oh come onnn" she almost shouts "you know who I'm talking about!"

"Shhhh" I say I really don't feel like drawing a scene right now

"Alright sorry sorry..... But did you" she squeals the last part

"Yes I did" I say finally giving in

"Come on you need to man up and ask your mom for his number it's been what *she checks her imaginer y watch* 6years hmm!!?"

"I can't it would be weird" I say walking out the school with her on my tail

"No it won't here I'll act it out"

"Heyy mom you remember Harry right harry goldfarb do you bye any chance have his number??"

*Acting out y/n mom*
"Oh yeah hunny hear give him a call"
                   'Finishes act'
"See not that hard!!"
Ugh I hate her but I love her...maybe I should noo what am I saying

"Your acting is great!!" I say trying to change the subject

"Thank- Nope Nope *dammit* don't try and change the subject" she says shaking her finger at me

"You look like my mom.."

"Thank you and eww jerk" I laugh she loves my mom but doesn't like being compared to people who are how do I put this old? Motherly?

"Anyway..." I say starting to walk away my house is only down the block do I don't have to walk far

"I'm gonna ask her!!" She says all of a sudden I turn on my heels and give her a questioned look

  She grins oh no I know that grin

"Hey wait your not thinking of doing what I- " before I can finish my sentence she runs past me to my home

"Nooo Hera!!!" I shout chasing after her  too late she's already like 5ft away from my house  she runs in the house

                   Hera POV
"Mrs y/l/n!!!...Mrs y/l/n Mrs- oh jeez hello Mrs y/l/n"

"Hello Hera what's wrong hunny are you ok-" before she can finish her sentence y/n barges in through the front door

"Hera noo- oh hey momm" she says clearly out of breath and shocked to see her mom

"Y/n hunny are you ok?"

"Yeah mom I'm fine I was just trying to stop Hera from doing something..."

"Alright.... Uh Hera what was it that you needed"
"Oh umm oh yeah y/n and I need a favor"

"Ok sweetie what is it?"

"Well you remember the goldfarb s yes?"

"Yes I do?? I had just had dinner with em last week!"


*Sneeze* cough *

Come on y/n think of something think! Wait

*Sneeze* * cough*
Y/n mom "oh hunny are you ok?" she says coming over and checking my fever

"Aww Hun your burning up let's get you to bed" she starts leading me too my room

"Oh wait uh Hera Hun the thing you wanted to ask me is it Important or can it wait till tomorrow?"

"No it's fine I can wait...get y/n situated I'll see you tomorrow" she says glaring at me I glare back ooooh I'm not gonna hear the end of this one!

Mom takes me upstairs and I lay down she starts asking me all about these things if I have'em

"MOM! *I quickly say* I'm feeling better I might just need to sleep on this one!"

"Ok hunny well good night" she leaves I sigh with relief I look at the clock it's only 6:00

"God I'm old...."
I get up and walk over to my closet and grab a box from the top of my shelf I open it and look through all my child hood memories with him

"Harry goldfarb... I wonder if you still remember me.. doubt it" a tear roles down my cheek I quickly wipe *sigh* I'm gonna get some rest a few extra hours of sleep never hurt nobody

"Goodnight harry where ever you are....I miss you" I slowly drift of to sleep

1016 words on my first page hope you like it!!!

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