Chapter 1

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Human world POV for Sophie

"Sophie hurry up we're almost late to school," Fintan complained. "You always make us late even though you don't do any makeup or girly things other than showering and getting dressed!

"For your information I will be ready in one minute and I don't have to act "girly" you can tell I'm a girl so why do I have to act like one," Sophie shouted from her room.

"Whatever I'm leaving without you and I'm taking the donuts I bought," Fintan said opening the door.

"NO," Sophie yelled running out of her room with her backpack and phone.

"Oh hi Sophie, I thought you weren't ready," Fintan said, while eating a donut.

"Shut up and give me a donut, we're going to be late," Sophie said, which earned a glare from Fintan.

At School

"Hey Soph," Roy said.

"Hey idiot," Sophie said.

"Sophie there's something you should know," Trix said, while stuttering.

"What is it Trix," Sophie asked, confused.

"Well Fitz got excepted to come to school here," Trix said frowning.

"WHAT THE FUCK," Sophie, screamed. "Father promised he wouldn't except him into this school again!

"Sophie clam down people are staring, Roy said.

"Why should I calm down, Sophie asked. My father first tried to get me to sign a contract that would force me to marry him when I'm older and then tried to convince me to let him move into our house and my room! So tell me why should I calm down again?

"Okay you have a good point but still Sophie if your father heard you talked about all of this behind his back he would have you marry him in days," Roy said.

"I don't care what he thinks or does," Sophie said. "I'll just hide from him at school and won't go home, I've done to before and it wasn't that bad."

"Sophie I think you need to talk with you dad," Trix said, right before the humongous glass doors of the school were opened by four men in suites and he walked in.

"Hello Sophie," He said smirking. "Did you miss me?"

Here's chapter 1 of my new kotlc story! I hope you like it! Updates once a well or once every two weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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