i. a regular tuesday night

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Regular Tuesday nights in Queens were filled with the sounds of rushed car engines, shouts, and the occasional horn honk. But as the regular Tuesday night citizens sank into their regular Tuesday night uneasy sleep, they were roused by bangs, crashes, and screams.

The regular Tuesday night citizens of Queens would have probably looked out the windows, checked their phones, or locked their doors. After all, Queens was a rough borough. It was their home, they were used to this.

Regular Tuesday night citizens of Queens would probably roll over and try to get some shut-eye before their draining shifts at their draining places of employment. The regular Tuesday night children of Queens, however, were filled with a curiosity and a spark of mischief.

Truth be told: kids know a superhero when they hear one. The round, young faces with bright eyes would peek between the curtains, eagerly scanning the streets for one of their beloved heroes. When they caught sight of him, the red-suited arachnid who was probably nearly their favorite and second only to Iron Man, they pressed their small fingertips against the cool glass, breath fogging against it as they whispered,

"Go, Spider-Man."

Whispering it quietly enough so as not to rouse their parents, who were still trying desperately to hang onto their regular Tuesday night 8 hours.

Regular Tuesday night children would be disappointed, however, as they looked in and saw, for the first time, their hero being defeated. Their innocent minds wouldn't have been able to grasp the concept of a hero losing. And in the morning, they would have to be consoled by their parents who, after watching the regular Wednesday morning news, would have no other information besides the fact that Spider-Man had been injured in a fight with some new villain who'd dubbed himself the Arbiter and had had to be flown away by a shiny blur people assumed to be Iron Man.

And they wouldn't get any more information than that. Not by anyone. Not ever. Because after that irregular Tuesday night, Spider-Man seemed to disappear from Queens. It was almost as if he'd vanished off the face of the earth.

But for one nearly-regular Tuesday night citizen of Queens, the memory of Spider-Man would be all that greeted him when he opened his eyes from that regular Tuesday night on.

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