Chapter 17: Demons in The Alley

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Instead of being the traditional older sister that would take care and cheer up their sad or disappointed sister as any other being would do, I sat there LAUGHING my ass off as Luz explained the disappointment of her "valuable info" from Wionna's sister.

"Shut up it's not even that funny!" Luz yelled at me turning red from embarrassment and anger. Right now we sat at the counter of Eda's Cafe as I got back in time with the deserts right as Eda and the kids got back from being picked up and school shopping. We were supposed to work but some official of sorts, a fat man with hair around the sides of his head, came by. I guess he was an inspector because Eda just said that we got lucky since they were gonna check if we had a food handling license and other stuff we needed to even work here. So thank Titan for that. Eda was currently in the back with the inspector while some cook was put to work up front waiting people.

"Yeah it is, you REALLY thought you could get help from humans? come on hermana grow up!" I said as I laughed.

"You act like getting help from anyone is a joke," Luz mumbled under her breath but didn't try to hide her remark from me.

Author POV

"And I'll stick with my act. Demons, humans, whatever being you can be are all useless. I just need a brain, a book, and GOOD info to get things done and to get to where I want to be. I don't need others to help me, just maybe their own thoughts but that's it," Lucia stated in a joking manner that quickly started to change to a serious tone. "Trust me, Luz, take it from your older sister, you can't ever rely on anyone. You'll just always end up alone anyways," Lucia stated as she took a sip of the water bottle she had with her before leaning on her elbow on the counter to face Luz with her body turned easily to her with the swivel chair.
"Anyway, did they tell you anything else? Any kind of useful information they might have said?" Lucia asked in an attempt to calm her ego down and to finally be serious with her role as a worrying, "comforting" sister she was. Luz thought about it as she held her head in her hand before one memory came to mind.

"Well, besides the town history, They said this thing was fast, like super fast, and that they could only see a black figure. They said they also heard screeching that sounded like multiple creatures at once before being attacked and of course, the goo I was supposed to look at," Lucia listened intently as she took note of what her little sister was explaining. "By the way they described it, I was thinking back to the boiling isles creature that I knew of and thought of two demons that seemed close to how they described them. First, it could be that demon that was messing with me that one time when I tried to paint outside in nature. Remember the one hairy tall black demon that you had to 'take to the authorities'" Luz said with air quotes as Lucia chuckled when thinking back to that mess.

"Ah yes, that was when I learned that cool flame spell."

"Well I was thinking maybe, and hopefully, him but of course I thought of Grometheus. I mean it's just a theory but still, I can't really say for sure since I didn't really study beast keeping all that much compared to you. what do you think?" Luz asked as she finally made eye contact with her sister who was in deep thought with her arms crossed and eyes closed.

"I don't know, But don't worry about it. Let's just wait and see if another incident occurs, this is YOUR vacation meaning you should be focused on relaxing," Lucia smiled as Luz just smiled along but was still full of unanswered questions.

"Alright, thank you, and have a great day!" Eda said as the Food inspector walked out from the back of the shop with Eda tagging along as they made their way to the front door seeing the inspector out before letting out a long groan. "God I hate inspection days," Eda said while taking a seat next to Luz.

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