Mrs Norris

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Filch's cat,

Is my new nick name,

Plain, filthy, scrawny, scary,

They all say the same.

Except him of course.

Ten times my size,

Broom in hand, alas!

No magic.

I should have guessed.

He pleads I understand,

That no men in this world are equal,

That he is still devoted,


Unable to provide.

His weapons are my eyes.

Red, raw,

I lick my paw,

My wedding ring lost,

Beneath a clump of matted fur.

At what cost,

Do I purr?


I scream, in a hazed memory,

When I had two legs, breasts, the bare skin on my chest,

Back in the day,

When I tried to look my best.

It was for him you see,

The man with the broom,

The vacant expression,

The peppered tongue.

We were young,

Two peas in a pod, that was odd.

Looked down on by men,

With serpents for tongues,

Spitting, swearing,

We squeezed with our thumbs,

Until our fingers were numb.

Then it happened.

A year of sweet, innocent love had passed,

Me and my groom,

Happy, at peace,

We even shared a room.

My parents didn't approve.

Neither did the men with serpents for tongues,

Now fully grown basilisks'.

I was in for one.

But one what exactly?


I shed a feline's tear,

For here it comes,

The pain,

The change,

The mutilation,

The humiliation,

The fear,

All for love.

And here he is,

Asking me to understand,

That selfish old man,

I don't even have fucking hands!

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