Part 1 and Only

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- Brian, dear, don't you think you had enough this time?

If there was any point in asking, actually, there would be no need in it - but Brian was drunk and Freddie was impressed. It was not that physicists, he thought, never get drunk and not that even he was pretty sober (measuring in his own degree, though), but Brian looked a lot like innocent and insecure teen, and when he started talking about the application of mathematical methods in music industry, Freddie took the note that he should phone Brian later and talk with him about all that scientific stuff in the daylight - but never ever drink together. Brian actually wouldn't!

And then there was his new friend, flushed and liberated, not really drunk, according to what he's seen during his life, but pretty tipsy and, so, clumsy, as a consequence.

- Don't you think it's strange people can't ride on the moon? I mean, literally, why has no one still tried? It would be a great opportunity to... to... Well, actually, I don't know what, but it would, I'm pretty sure!

Brian was talking like that for too long - too long for Freddie's over-excited mind to keep concentrated on this blab.

- Brian, - he grabbed man's hands with his two, - who brought you here?

Brian froze for a second, than blankly blinked and lightly shook his head.

- M-mother, - he blurted out.

Freddie stared at him. That guy couldn't be so nerdish, it's impossible!

- Mother brought me in this world and raised in love and harmony.

The boy chuckled in relief.

- No, darl... no. Listen. Are you listenin'? Listen. Who is your friend there? Who, - Freddie stressed the word, - cares about you today?

- I think it's me, pal, - spoke confident voice somewhere behind his back, - C'mon, I'm taking him.

- Roger! - joyfully exclaimed the young man, - See, F-fred, it's Roger! He knows where... he lives!

- Everybody knows where they live, y'know, right? - Roger chuckled - Okay, guys, we're leaving! I'm gonna carry ourselves home - not as usual, but as a matter of fact. Tim, we must be at studio by ten tomorrow, and don't you dare to oversleep. Freddie, mate, pleasure to meet you, you're always welcome - just hold on to Tim and he gonna lead you to the right place. Bye ev'rybody.

- Wow, - exhaled the 'mate' few seconds later, - how could he be just sober by that time?

- Nah, man, - Tim sighed and dropped his head on the table, - that means he's as drunk as a lord.


Once he stepped outside, Brian felt better. Cool wind was blowing through his curls and he laughed at that. He turned back, wondering if Roger was nearby. His friend looked somehow thoughtful.

- What are you thinking about?

- Not sure but I might suggest I've just seen the last bus leaving.

- Not a problem. I can walk, sure. You too, don't?

- I'm too lazy, trust me, - Roger yawned and charmingly smiled.

Brian smiled back.

- C'mon, let's have a walk! The night is just perfect.

- Perfect for what?

- Dunno know, - the tall guy shrugged, delaying the look on Roger, - Perfect.

They stayed like that for a minute and then headed to their flat - as both of them were just students, unemployed most of the time, they found it rather efficient to share one apartment. They weren't alone in it, though. Pete and Charlie, and Charlotte - their accommodation looked a lot like bizarre market.

But they were students, it was fun.

- Don't you find nights beautiful? - Roger broke the silence, - All the nights, I mean.

- You know I do. I'm an astrophysicist, I have to, actually, - Brian grinned awkwardly.

- Nah, stop it, you are not!

- Then who I am, Roger? - asked the lad rather seriously, - Nothing more than just another pretty guy? Always pleasing, never drunk - but I am drunk, you see?

- Stop it, Bri. You are clever, so stop. You're a great man - always caring, eager to help and never too late. You're always in the right place and time! You don't need the whole stupid world to be impressive - in fact, that is world that need to be impressed.

- I don't know how to... To behave like a diva... - exhaled Brian almost inaudible.

Now he was standing in front of his friend, holding onto his shoulders in order to stay still.

- You don't have to know... - Roger whispered in response, - You have just impressed one guy, not even noticing that.

Roger swayed a bit and clang to Brian's shirt trying not to fall, eventually coming closer.

- When?.. - Brian asked a bit confused.

- When I saw you at the party. You were... tall and curly, and I thought you were pretty unusual, and then you spoke to me - just idle chatter, nothin' important, - and then I thought you were one of the best.

- Why not... The best?

- Oh, I see you need more, Mr. I-dont-know-who-I-am? - Roger chuckled, being ironic, and Brian tried to interrupt, but he wasn't allowed to, - Because the best you became the day I kissed you.

- But we ne'er...

And at the exact moment Roger stood on his toes, reaching Brian's lips, perhaps not fully aware of what he was actually doing, but enjoying every second. Though chilly weather cleared his mind a bit, he was still drunk, he couldn't care less.

- Don't remember the party you are talking about, - trying to catch his breath, Brian murmured quietly, - but now I am the impressed one.

- Impressed in what way? - asked Roger seriously, still cuddling Brian to himself.

- In one of the best, actually.

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