Chptr 1: Going to Black Tour

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I got two ticket to Black Veil Brides Black Tour in Atlanta, GA this Saturday and I invited my best friend Ian to go with me. He was so excited that he bought me a friendship necklace with BVB friends forever craved into it. It was awesome! I called my dad and ask if would be okay that he paid for a hotel sweet for me and Ian. My dad was fine with it because he knows that Ian wouldn't do anything with me. You see Ian is gay and he has a crush on my big brother Blade. He is bisexual. He has a girlfriend who treats him like crap and use him for sex. I wanted to beat the shit out of her but Blade told me to leave the bitch alone. So I let it go...for now. We got everything packed and ready to go. We put our bags in my new black 2019 Mustang. As we were pulling out of my driveway.
Ian turns and looks at me. He says "Do you think Blade likes me"
I giggled. "Yes, you big dummy"
"Hey! I'm no dummy!" He pouts.
I laughed.
I have been driving for two hour and I am exhausted. So I let Ian drive because it was his turn to drive. He turned on my iPod and goodbye agony starts to play through the speakers. As I drifted off to sleep humming along with my favorite band. A few hours later, Ian woke me up saying "Andria, We are here." Rubbing my shoulder. I smiled and said "Okay, I'm up!" Shaking my head. I rubbed my eyes to look around. We are at a hotel and we checked in to our sweet. It was a one bedroom sweet. We ate dinner and got ready for bed. As Ian head hit the pillow he was knocked out cold. I giggled. I snuggled into my pillow to fall asleep but I was too excited to sleep.
I whispered.
"Ian, wake up."
"Umm...what's wrong, honey?" He turned to look at me.
"I can't sleep. Im too excited about tomorrow. Can I snuggle with you."    
"Sure come here. Besides I'm cold."
I giggled.
Ian turns and opened his arms. I snuggled up to him. He pats my hair smoothing me to sleep. Soon we were off to sleep.
I was sleeping good until I hear this.
"Andria, it's time to wake up! We got to get ready for the concert. I know you would be pissed if I let you sleep in. Let's get a move on because Andy ain't gonna wait forever, you know. Exspeacially that fine ass, Ashley!" He says.
I giggled saying "Okay, I'm wake. How long do we have to get ready."
"Um...about an hour." Said Ian.
I ran to the bathroom to take a shower and got dressed and ready in thirty minutes. I walked out the bathroom and find Ian sitting on the bed reading karrang magazine that we bought yesterday.
I sit down and looked at Ian.
"Ready to go"
He puts down the magazine.
We screamed together..jumping up and down.
"IT'S BVB TIME, OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!"
We walked out of our room giggling like school girls.

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