chapter one The cabinet

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Tw: abuse child abuse child neglect

It's was an ordinary Day as if in the Miller house,as Autumn awoke from her slumber, As it was it a Saturday morning. She could all ready hear her father drunk when she woke up. Her twin echo she was with Cece. When she woke she hear the TV It sounded like an old western show. Although she never wanted to leave her room.. after a while she got hungry and her mother and twin weren't home. She quit and quickly her father was sleeping The amount of bottles of alcohol was concerning. But It wasn't her mess. When Autumn was younger he never asked this way He was caring and he was nice but then something changed when she was around 3 he joined a mafia group..and after that he's never been the same. As soon as she opened the fridge he awake. She ran and hide In one of cabinets. She could hear the footsteps approaching. The heart was racing sinking into her chest and the closer he got the more terrified she was. The footsteps started to dissipate. She peaked her head out that was the biggest mistak. He was standing right out of the cabinet. The sinister smile he had was soul sucking.. his eyes the brown soul soul sucking brown eyes and that's smile would haunt your nightmares. He looked down and the anger in his eyes the cold haze he had was terrifying.. he looked down at his 'daughter"the fear that that facial expression can give you is unrealistic to any other.. He asked a simple question "What are you doing out of your room?" His tone was cold and angry. Autumn spoke up in fear.. "I was hungry.." when he responded it was only anger. "And that my problem!??" He yelled pulling Autumn by her hair. She yelp in pain holding her stuffed animal. But of course her father snatched it out of her hands and threw it across the room. He slap her in the face not enough to hurt her or leave a mark as he would never want that. But it did happen. He shouted at the top of his lungs. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!" He was angry and pissed after that he went to go sit down again Autumn went to her room sobbing the tears ran down her face her heart was pounding She only wished that her mom was home.

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