Chapter 1

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I sighed as I looked at the sign which stood before me 'central brook high school' plastered in a big black bold writing.

I clenched onto my exercise books bringing it closer to my chest as I walked through the gates making sure not to make eye contact with anyone around me ignoring all the stares I was getting. You probably haven't guessed it but I am the only back girl in this school. This school was the closest to my home and my papa couldn't afford to relocate again so I just have to suck up the years I have here and just pretend no one exists, hopefully that plan works.

"Sorry" I muttered as a few students barged past me as if I didn't exist and of course I am the one to apologise, I mean perhaps it's good they don't notice me, I don't want anyone to notice me. They noticed my mama and look where that got her. I miss her so much.

"Hi I'm Ashaunte Boateng..."

"Oh the new student... I see..." the receptionist cut me off as she gave me a look of disgust something that I'm used to.

"Yes I am, could I please have my timetable?" I asked as I looked away feeling uncomfortable.

"Here you go, you might want to be careful since your the only negro here, there's a lot of erm... how do I put it? Some are only getting used to desegregation" she smiled as if she's done some damage to me, I simply nod at her and take the sheet before walking away.

Where was I walking? I stared at the timetable for a long time wondering if got the correct one, why was this so complicating? I did not even know where the classes were and I had less than two minutes to get to lesson. Well doesn't this suck? I wanted to be invisible and now I'm going to be walking into lesson late... pathetic.

"Need help?" I hear a soft voice call out causing me to look up and notice a group of girls looking at me with smirks. The middle one looked like a baby doll, she had the typical jet black hair, blue eyes, stood about 5'7 and dressed in wealth.

"Erm yes please, I'm new here and I can't find my class" I reply with a relief that they were here to my rescue

"Oh, well I am Cia, this is my cousin Leah, and this is my best friend Celane" I smile at each of them as she introduced them.

"Pleasure to meet you guys, I'm Ashaunte, Like the Ghana region Ashanti" I smile back feeling proud of my name and culture.

"Ashanti? What's that?" Cia looks between her friends with a look for confusing causing me to blush in embarrassment, maybe I said a bit too much.

"It's a region in my motherland, anyways could you please help me out with this" I pass the sheet to Cia as she reads it with a smirk planted on her face.

"Oh that's madam Gibbersons class, that's the same as ours, you can follow me" she passed me back the sheet as I follow behind her.

I peeked through the classroom window before she opened it already feeling the embarrassment not only from knowing that I am late and would probably get in trouble but because I was the odd one out, all I could see was blonde or brown bone straight hair, white girls and boys, blue, green eyes all sitting down, and then there is me, a dark skin who is extremely curvy, I wore a size 14 in jeans and size 12 in shirts, compared to them I looked obese. I just knew my locs would grab attention, I thought against putting it in a high bun but my papa instisted I did as he thought it would 'embrace my identity' but all it is going to do is grab attention and create bullies, I should have just used my savings on a wig rather than a retwist.

"Hello?" Cia snapped in my face grabbing me attention.

"Oh sorry" I muted back at her as I slightly trembled thinking about the things that could go wrong as I enter the classroom.

I watched as she pressed the handle down swinging the door wide open so that everyone's attention was on her. 'Thanks alot' I thought to myself as I knew there is going to be drama really soon. I waited for all three of them to walk in before I did hoping that will calm everything down but I guess not since students were muttering under their breathes as soon as they saw me.

"Hello? You are?" A woman who stood about 5'4 glared up at me.

"Erm hi, I'm Ashaunte the new student" I whispered loud enough so only she could hear already feeling embarrassed as I heard sniggers from behind.

"New student? I did not get any notice" she replied confused as she took a step closer to me. I watched as she yanked the timetable from my hand and stared at it.

"Lady you are in the wrong classroom, next time read before you enter someone's lesson because you have just wasted my time and my students time"

The whole classroom erupted in laughter and the loudest voices heard was Cia.
She gave me back the paper and I walk right out the class with speed and efficiency straight into what I guessed was the toilets and I was right.

I looked in the mirror biting my lips as I tried to hide in my tears. I knew those smirks on those girls were mischievous but I chose to ignore, how stupid of me,

I looked back at my timetable looking closely at my classes as I left the toilets trying to navigate my classroom.

"Finally" I whispered as I stopped in from of my actual classroom.

I slowly opened the classroom door causing all eyes to land on me
'Here we go' I thought to myself ready to go home already

"Erm I am guessing you are Ashaunte?" The teacher questioned as she gave me a cold glare.

"Yes..." I paused as I watched her raise an eyebrow at me.

"Ahem.. yes Madam, Ashaunte Boateng"
I made sure to look straight at the board as I stood uncomfortably.

"Well you are late and I hate when students are late"
I watched as she tapped her foot waiting for me to reply.

"I'm sorry madam, I had trouble finding my classroom but I am sure this will not happen again."

"Just find a seat and don't distract my class"
I nod and face the class as I scanned the room for a seat, all seemed to be taken except for two which was in-front of each other was placed at the middle of the class, I decided to take a seat at in the one closet to the back hoping no one would bother me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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