Story 1: The little Litten

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Art by: Guada

A little carefree Litten gets let out of a huge hotel and explores around it every day. Lots of different people that enter and leave the hotel see the little kitten, resting, hunting, resting, watching, resting and romp around. They're immediately overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness of Litten. Himself is not too overwhelmed by the lots of people. He has gotten used to them.

Different kinds of people passed the kitten and showed him their kindness. An elderly lady that gives him a little fish which he immediately eats up and then demands for more. A middle-aged man and his Sprigatito always play with him for at least a couple of minutes. The Sprigatito loves the company of his new friend and always gets sad, when he and his owner have to leave again. A little girl that never stops petting him, whenever she sees him. Her mother eventually coming alongside her and always smiling at the little Litten taking its dozens of gentle pets and caressing.

One day, Litten was especially active today, as he explores the outside area of the hotel from top to bottom. When he reaches a path to a small town which is only a few meters away from the hotel, he sees a young boy with a Rockruff grinding his feet along the path. He looks down on the ground and only notices Litten when meows, demanding food as always. The Rockruff immediately starts barking, however the little kitten is completely unfazed by the barking of dogs as he has gotten used to it and he knows that small dogs like the Rockruff are all bark and no bite. The boy immediately hurries to calm down his dog. When he sees the Litten, his eyes become a little wider and he then gently caresses him. It isn't food, but Litten isn't complaining.

As soon as the boy stands up, Litten hears something behind a few bushes and immediately follows the sound. The boy - curious by the cat's sudden decision - now decides to follow him. The Litten then jumps between the bushes and lands on something fluffy and warm, which suddenly starts to move. It's a little Rufflet which is looking rather confused at the little kitten, which is still resting on its fluffy head. A girl let out a small gasp, but then chuckles right after when she sees the Litten chilling on the little bird's head. The boy and his Rockruff suddenly appear behind the bushes to look for the little kitten, when all of a sudden the boys' attention has been diverted to the girl. Rufflet finally shakes off Litten, who groans at his living pillow and decides to take a nap next to the bushes as he is tired from exploring. Despite him trying to sleep he still hears the boy and girl talking endlessly. They continue talking until it's noon. They wave each other goodbye and finally leave Litten resting.

The boy and girl continue meeting up at the same place the little Litten is resting or eating the fish from the old lady. They share informations with each other and always laugh or gasp at each other. The 2 both come from the same village, but the boy is new and just moved here, so he has difficulties making new friends, but the girls assures him that he definitely has made one. The girl always complains about school and that she can never have enough time for her Rufflet, which she has rescued one day on vacation at the mountains, as it has been abandoned. The little bird coughs and sneezes every now and then which annoys the little Litten, but he is not in the mood to tell him to be quiet. The other times they meet, the boy and girl just tell what's been going in their life right now, while also playing a bit with Litten and their Pokemon. However, when Litten keeps looking at the boy, his look often saddens as if something is bothering him. Litten doesn't know what the matter is, but is sure that it will resolve itself.

The next time the 2 meet, the conversation turns dark as the girl holds a feather from her Rufflet while tears fill her eyes. The boy embraces the crying girl, while his Rockruff whimpers next to her. Litten doesn't know what has happened, but he believes something terrible must have happened to the girl's Rufflet, which saddens the kitten.

Day after day, the boy and girl meet and talk at least for hours, at least in Litten's case, but he isn't complaining when he gets pets and food.

One day, however, things changed... a large truck - heading to the town - passes a sleeping Litten scaring it almost half to death. After a huff and a scoff he goes back to sleep, while waiting for a passersby again.

Later that evening, Litten was waiting for his owner to pick him up, as he is sitting a few feet away from the entrance staring at the door. All of a sudden the little kitten hears loud voices coming from around the corner. Curious, Litten follows the voices. It's the boy and the girl again, but something is strange about them... they don't laugh anymore, they're yelling and crying at each other. The Rockruff of the boy sits next to them and has to watch them fight. Litten is worried about the two, but knows that he can't do much, so he leaves. The girl shoves away the boy and runs off. The boy goes down on his knees and cried quietly on the pavement.

Days have passed...
Weeks have passed...
Almost a month...

The little Litten is let out by its owner again to explore the outside of the hotel. He encounters the same people as always. The lady that gives him a small fish, the middle-aged man and his Sprigatito and the little girl who smothers him with her love. However, Litten isn't in the mood for playing with the grass cat, nor eating the fish completely... the Sprigatito knows that and comforts his friend signalizing him that it's gonna be alright. Litten usually doesn't care what others think, but it can't get the boy and girl out of his head, who he hasn't seen since then. Only sleep and food helps.

Then... one day... the Litten was exploring the hotel as usual again to clear his mind. Before he decides to return to his usual napping spot, he hears the bushes rumbling again. The kitten immediately races through them to discover the girl again, who is resting on the grass. Before she notices that she's being watched, Litten hears another familiar sound and looks through the bushes to see the boy again, slowly grinding his feet along the path. The Litten returns to the girl and meows loudly. However, the girl doesn't understand what Litten wants. Annoyed, Litten goes for her necklace that has the Rufflet-feather and runs off with it. The girl shrieks and chases Litten along the hotel.

The little kitten then stops in front of the boy still with the necklace in its mouth. The boy recognizes him and pets him as always, but as soon as he hears the girl's voice his attention goes completely away from Litten and the girl that he wanted to reunite with again. After days, weeks, a month... the 2 start to tear up and embrace each other.

Litten - annoyed by the fact he doesn't get the attention he deserves to have - returns to his usual napping spot and rests there, while the boy and girl happily continue their chatting. When it is time to go again, the boy says goodbye in a kind and happy tone as so does the girl, because they can say goodbye in peace and hope for another happy reunion someday. The boy wishes for the girl to come visit, which she promises. Before both trainers go, Rockruff snuggles Litten to bid him a happy farewell, as the dog is looking forward to see him again someday. Despite Litten being tired, he is happy to properly say goodbye to his new friend.

Soon after, a recognizable face for Litten appears behind him and happily lifts him up. It's the owner of the hotel and the owner of the little kitten.

"Good job, Litten." He says...

The end

So... how was it? I hope you liked it. I felt like doing something different as I said, so I hope you don't mind. I'll think about another story, while working on TPM parallel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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