Chapter I - A History On Blake Mobius

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- Notes -

This isn't really a chapter. It's mostly an introduction.

Word Count - 350

Also posted on A03 under the user svp_hla


Chapter I

A History On Blake Mobius


- A normal day for me looks like this.

- Wake up in dorm 428 in quadrant 3

- Put on my uniform and make my bed

- Walk to dorm 221 in quadrant 2

- Wake up my dad and wait on him to make his bed and put on his uniform

- Go grab our equipment on the way to the assignment center

- Get our assignments

- Find Loki to help with our assignments

- Find Silvi and Loki together

- Force Loki away

- Go do our assignments

- Put our equipment away

- Head back to the dorms

- Take off my uniform

- Go to bed

- Repeat the next day

That's what a normal day for me looks like. It's all I've ever known. You're probably wondering who I am at this point. Im Blake Mobius. Daughter of Mobius M. Mobius. I'm 14 years old. I've grown up in the TVA my whole life. After the whole Loki variant situation, my mom and dad had me. I don't know my mom. Heck, I never did. She decided as soon as I was born that she didn't want kids. So it's just been my dad and me.

At first, I lived with him, in his dorm. Then I moved in with Loki when I was 8. When I was 12 my dad decided to give me a job in his department of the TVA for multiversal variants. So for the past two years, I have been working with my dad and Loki tracking down variants of all different kinds. Right now it's Spider-Man variants.

See a couple of days ago Peter Parker from Earth 616 opened a multiverse to hundreds of spidermen. Now we are trying to track them all down and hopefully send them back to the right timelines. My job is to find 616 Peter and get him to help. It's harder than I thought though. See, he made everyone forget who he is and now I don't know how to find him. I'm working on it though and maybe in a couple of days, he will be helping us find a bunch of other Peters!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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