very descriptive

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I was spinning my arms about twirling and spinning, I was getting my ability to sing I guess? I'm not entirely sure what supernatural power I was getting but I remember getting 2.

Anyhow, I was happy because it meant that I got to explore the ocean and live on my own and dont get me wrong I love my family but it was like that for a lot of sirens we had an urge to explore the ocean which was bigger than our love for our family.


"IM COMING JUST HOLD ON ZOE!" , I screamed back.

I have 3 sisters, Zoe , Sara and Jane in order of age as well . I'm the second oldest which has a great perk known as teasing or to be fair that's everyone now a days human , unicorn , mermaids all that stuff ok well not all werewolves and vampires dont exist but still you get the point.

Anyway, Zoe called me for mom, and as I just started to head over I heard it.

* sing to me siren , bellow out your song
dont take to long
drag me under water

a deep and masculine voice sing. It was magnetic,majestical and just so alluring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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