Chapter 2

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Recap: Ethan: "Did you go to East Tek Elementary?" Alex: "Yeah, why?" Ethan: "I've seen you before, but I just can't remember where, maybe in class." Alex: "Well, maybe you'll remember as we go through this competition."

Everyone's attention diverts. The big screen turns on. Everyone gasps.

"That's the head of Tek City police."

Abel: "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tek City Police Department. I am the head, Abel Don. All of you have come today for one thing, to join us, and here's to our annual Police Entry Competition. With that being said, everyone walk back into the building, and my second-in-command officer, Nado, will explain all the events and rules you will all have to deal with."

Chapter 2

Alex, alongside all the other participants, walks inside the building.

Andy: "Hello and welcome, everyone. My name is Andy Nado, and you can all address me as 'Officer Nado.' Before I explain the process, do you have any questions?"


?: "As if you could hold a candle to me, I mean us. Isn't that right, Gale?"

Gale: "C-c-come on, Charlotte, don't start any problems, p-p-please."

Charlotte: "I'm just putting the worm in his place."

Gale: "S-s-stop, Charlotte."

Charlotte: "Fine," as she looks into her mirror and walks away.

The boy smirks and walks past Alex and Ethan.

This competition is full of weirdos, Alex thinks to himself, slightly looking at Ethan.

Andy: "I see we're fired up this year, but let me explain how the process will go. First, you must take the written test. This is mandatory because not everyone can make it to the field work. So, if you pass this part and fail the rest, you can work in our office, receiving calls and whatnot. You could even skip the next parts of the test if you don't want to be in the field."

"Second, this is only for observation purposes. All of you will be fighting two opponents. The first match will be hand-to-hand combat, and the first to hit the ground loses. Your second opponent will be fought with a non-lethal melee weapon of your choice. We provide those, so you should be okay. After the first match, the winners will choose their second opponents from the losers."

"The third and final stage of the entry competition is in the simulation room, where all the official officers train. The simulations are based on recorded crimes that we've either solved or investigated , meaning that you'll be in real situations that have happened. You cannot be truly harmed in here, but you will wear the Tek City Police Department simulation suit so that we can generate the pain that you would feel. This part of the entry competition is to see how quickly you can think in certain situations and how deductive you can be when needed."

"Final bit of information, we will pull you out if you're about to die within the simulation. If you experience death in there, there is a chance that you might fall into a state of shock. If there are no questions, follow me to the exam room where you'll be taking the written test."

Everyone walks to the exam room and begins their tests.

The rowdy boy from earlier tries to cheat off Alex, who's sitting next to him, only to realize that every test sheet was different as he kept searching.

After the written test section ended, all the scores were put on a digital board right by the hallway outside of the exam room.

Standing at 2 on the board was Alex.

Ethan: "I didn't know you were so smart, Alex, but second place only means you're the first loser. For that, commit shippiku."

Alex: "You are in 199th place, Ethan, and it's 'SE-PPU-KU.'"

Ethan: "I tried my best, and that's all that matters."

Alex: "There are 200 participants."

Ethan falls to his knees. Ethan: "You're right, I'm a failure. For that..."


Ethan: "At least I'm not in last place. I wonder who did worse than me, 200?"

You're not far off, Alex thinks to himself.

A boy is nervously sweating after hearing Ethan.

Ethan: "Why do you look so nervous, young child?"

?: "I AM 19!"

Ethan: "Wait, are you this 'Luke' named on the board?"

Luke: "Yes," as Luke puts his head down.

Ethan: "How sad, you're a failure. Hold my blade; you must commit-"


Idiots, Alex thinks to himself.

Alex goes back to the screen to see who was above him.

Charlotte: "YES! GALE NUMBER ONE?!?! You're so smart, not smarter than me, though. This was just a fluke. But good job!"

Gale: "T-t-thank you."

Number 1 is not an easy feat out of 200 people. I'll make sure to keep note of her, Gale... Alex thinks to himself.

Charlotte placed 20th.

Andy: "That concludes the first stage. If you only came here to complete the first part of the entry competition, you may leave."

A good chunk of participants leaves, leaving about 120 members left.

Andy: "Prepare for the combat stage. You all have 20 minutes."


Ethan: "I've been preparing for this. If I lose, for that, I must commit seppuku."

Charlotte: "No way we lose here, we're way too strong, right, Gale?"

Gale: "R-r-right."

Charlotte: "I'm stronger, though."

Alex: "This is for you, Mom... Dad. I definitely won't lose here."

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