A New Start

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     "Ngh.. my head... Gra.. Grandma?" As I came to after an ear piercing explosion engulfed us all. My pounding headache shakes me, ineligible screams fill the air, I grasp my sword seeing everyone else dead.
    "N.. No! Not like this.... W-why we were close. Damn it! Hawk!" I cry. Stumbling and shifting, I rushed my older brother randomly slashing away at him, he gave a provoking smirk. "Girl, do you think you can kill me? What happened to the twelve year old genius, swordswoman!" He kicked me. I stumbled and fell to the ground, trying to hold back my tears. I cough blood, feeling pain in my abdomen, "Hmph. You're barely even qualified to be a god let alone a constellation, you disgust me like these shits who deserve death." He gloated. I hold my chest and prepare for another sword strike, "At least I had friends other than being some loser who could only order brainless buffoons around, I am Mikaylanova Caelus, swordswoman of Cosmic Order! As its last standing member, brother Hawk, I will put you to the blade!" I moved at lightning speed, Hawk flinched as I moved into his range, "Lightning Crash!" A deafening crackle filled the air as the energy surged towards me. I quickly shielded myself with a flaming barrier made of star energy, hoping it would hold. "Gaaaah!" I fell to my knees. "Hahahahaha! Did you think your little words are some source of strength, little sister? Priceless, absolutely flabbergasting hahaha." He mocked. My body trembled from the superior lightning attacks, this guy countered a lightning strike with an even greater one.
    "Dammit! We.. We were so close!"
     I lay on the ground as he stomped on my weakened body, stunned, I ignored the pain. This is nothing in comparison to my friends and grandma being dead, "Forgive me, I couldn't avenge you all, but!" I think clearly as Hawk purposely aims at my chest wound. "Ge.. of..." I say weakly, thoughts swarm me viciously; everybody laughed and smiled yesterday, so why? Why! "What? What was that? Say it louder!" He breaks my right arm like a sensitive toothpick, but that doesn't matter anymore, none of this mattered in the slightest!
     Their agony before death is disheartening as they were tortured by this fool, is nothing compared to something trivial. I failed them so, "Get the hell off!" My divine power surged – a huge being made from star and lightning energy wielded her blade with fury, she swung her blade and caused an electrical storm, "W-wait... What is!" My body was filled with warmth, while the entire area ended up destroyed. Hawk was sent flying in this last ditch effort.
    "You.... Will be safe for now. Until you are.. Stronger.... I won't be able to be summoned again.. Young Queen of the Stars – forgive my impotence for significantly weakening you, but that's the price of using this power before becoming a Wargod." Said the many voices of an avatar as my dying body floats driftless through some spatial tunnel.
    "Ah.. where are.. we?" I say hoarsely. The divine avatar speaks once more, "The human realm will be your resting area.... Young Queen.. I.. Wish you a safe journey.. until you're strong enough to call on me again someday, my Master."
    As my consciousness fades because of the blood loss; something heavy pulled on me, I didn't know what occurred and it didn't matter, all that seemed to be was finally getting revenge using this power. The human realm huh? Shall I hide my identity and power and act as a human.. I drift off into slumber crashing into something cold.
    "But she's a child!" Argued a woman rousing me from my unconscious state.
    "Doesn't mean we should take care of it! She's not ours, didn't we agree not to have kids, helping a stranger is already crossing my boundaries, Hel!" A man sniped back.
    I awaked at a grassy hillside bandaged up by some medical soldier, "Commander the child has awoken- Hey! Where are you going, little girl? You can't just move right after a comatose state." The medical staff's voice anchored with concern. They held swords which isn't very normal, who gives doctors a blade bigger than a scalpel?
    "Maybe. But! I'm not the exception to your little medical ethics.. I thank you for helping me, truly, thanks. But can I ask where I am?" The female General who they call Commander walked over and knelt down at my level and smiled, "Are you lost, little girl? We're in my territory at Starfield's outermost plains, where I keep farm animals and soldiers who protect this country. Sounds like you're hungry, here." She hands me some chocolate, "Uh.. T-thank you ma'am.." The General giggles, "What a polite child, kids these days could learn from you. Listen. I know we're complete strangers and being suspicious, going by your eyes, I see skepticism which isn't something a child your age should have very easily unless you grew up in an unsafe environment; maybe another war orphan?"
    I carefully think on her words as I'm technically a foreigner from another realm, she's being polite seeing me as a child who suffered abuse which isn't wrong in fact, the Commander has these gold glowing balls called Starnyx; spirits of great will floating around her. "I am. All my friends died not so long ago... Even my Mother tried selling me to some b...brothel. I ran away from home." She frowned, it isn't entirely wrong.. my mother did attempt this at one point. " Then.. want to come home with me? My name is Hel, Hel Rose of the Rose family." Her husband yelled, "Absolutely not! Asides. We still have a mission tomorrow and-" She glared. I felt a hefty amount of killing intent, the kind you never find on some average joe, no, not at all. This feeling almost surpassed your most seasoned veteran. "We are only married for convenience between families, don't act as if you could control me, I don't complain whenever you're getting drunk and messing around with other women; what's that look? Pshahaha! Don't act like you hide your tracks will. Remember whose territory this is!" Her soldiers spooked the man, he slowly backed away. She took a calming breath before smiling at me, I thought she was cool, "I'll come with you, thank you for offering me a place to stay." I say with gratitude.
Hel nods, "Of course. We'll make sure you're safe and taken care of. Now, let's go home." As we start to walk, the starnyx around her glow brighter and she seems more determined than ever. I can sense her strength, compassion and power, and it feels like I am in good hands after all.
    "What is your name? You look twelve." She asked inside the car.
    "My name.. mm. Mikayla." Hel glared with suspicion then sighed, "If you say so. I won't pry, it isn't my place after all. Mhm. We're almost home."
As we approach Starfire City, I can't help but be in awe of its beauty. The buildings are tall and shining, with people bustling about their business. Hel leads me to her home, a large estate with a garden and fountain. "Wow, this is amazing!" I exclaim.
Hel smiles, "Welcome to Rose Manor. Make yourself at home. I'll have one of my staff show you to your room and bring you some more food and new clothing, let's find something cute."
I thank her once again and follow the staff member to my room. As I get settled in, I can't help but think about how different my life is now. From being a child soldier who was once royalty in another realm to being taken in by strangers who oddly walk nonchalantly with swords in this one, it's a lot to process.
    "I'm going to miss high tech guns and swords, aren't I? Maybe this isn't so bad! They likely think I died back there... Hm?!" I swirled around quickly as heavy footsteps approached the door, someone quite powerful no doubt, it's definitely some master.
    "Young Lady, the Master has paperwork to sort out and asked me," I tilt my head, "You are, Sir?" The jolly old man smiled. "I am Giovanni Snow! Head Butler of the Rose estate, here is a fresh new set of clothes." He presented himself brightly even though I could sense a masterful killer in him. No need for my scowling in foreign territory.
    "Oh! That's very thoughtful of you Sir Giovanni. Thanks for your kindness." I smile.
    "Ohohoho! You're like my granddaughter, she's about your age and very polite as well, I'm sure you both can get along! Now. The maid assigned to you will bring some food and help manage expenses, call if there's any issues!" The butler left me alone. I sigh, "Remember Mikaylanova Caelus your new identity is Mikayla, a human child who lost everything to war, not princess of gods nor next ruler of stars.. I'm twelve now, so it should take maybe ten years to fully live here my divinities fully, then again? They think I died in heaven.. I could start over as a human child and still practice basic human swordsmanship... Bah! Forget it. Let's get dressed."
    After putting on the frilly dress, a soft knock was heard at my door, "Hello? Can I come in,"
   I turn around to see a kind-faced maid holding a tray with food and drink. "Oh, yes, please come in," I say with a smile.
The maid walks in and sets the tray down on the table. "I'm Maria, and I will be taking care of you from now on," she says kindly.
I nod in appreciation, "Thank you, Maria. You and Sir Giovanni have been very kind to me so far. I am grateful for your help."
Maria smiles and starts arranging the food on the table. "Of course, it's our pleasure. Is there anything more you would like to eat or drink, young Miss?"
I hesitate for a moment, then shake my head. "No, this is all fine. Thank you."
Maria nods, "All right then, I'll leave you to your meal. If you need anything else, just call me." She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.
As I start eating, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. I'm in a completely new world, pretending to be someone I'm not. But for now, I need to focus on recovering my strength and figuring out my next move. And for the time being, at least, I'm grateful to have Hel and her family's kindness. I fall asleep on the comfortable bed, recalling nightmares of my friends dying and gods in my heavenly army betrayed us, they're overwhelmingly powerful. My Father's orders nearly killed me, my swordsmanship wasn't strong enough to protect anyone, "No!" I scream waking up seeing my mother sell my sister for drugs.
    "Oh Miss, did you have a nightmare?" Asked Maria as she opened the curtains, showing morning.
    "I.. it's nothing. G-good morning Maria, is there something going on?" She nods. "Master Hel said she wanted you to meet her parents as her adoptive daughter, this made them excited, so they hurried home last night, unfortunately you were sleeping." She hands me some dress-suit clothing. It had an insignia resembling roses. "Anything I should know about the other Rose family members?" I say as she sets breakfast, "Rose family is renowned as monstrous men and women of the blade. They've produced many blademasters like our Madame Hel who is Commander of an entire armada and fleet. Godric Rockwell is her Father, a famous blacksmith and Lucifille Rose the Demon General; her swordsmanship encompasses fear. As for the family head, Er Rose, a strict woman who only cares about results, her sons and daughters have resentment on this subject.." She paused. "It's why the Madame was forced into an odd marriage. Er used her as a bargaining chip for the Starfire Mines."
    "Ugh.. I actually met that man before, I'm not one to judge, but he's probably cursed by some evil spirit."
    She cocked her head, "What? Curse, what do you mean?"
    I clear my throat.
"Uh! Swordsmanship just happens to be one of my hobbies! Ahaha..."
    Maria sighed. She poured me a cold glass of water, I drank slowly, "As my new Master.. I hope that statement is correct, not the cursed comment. The one about being decent in using the sword, I'm afraid they will force you to prove yourself even though it's not their place. Madame Hel will likely intervene if Er isn't here, otherwise it may turn ugly."
    "Then could you bring me combat gloves and a decent short sword?" I say politely. She smiled, "Sure thing my lady, I will find a cute design that matches your dress suit, since you're very adorable! Like my kid brother, although he could learn your manners...."
    I get dressed in the meantime, she brings me what I asked for, including a cute orange beret, "Told you would like it!" She beams with confidence.
    "I actually do, thanks. Let's go.." Fastening the blade to my side, we headed down, servants lined up giving even Maria respect reluctantly, guess because she's my maid. We walked into the long hall of Rose family members young and old, "I will wait here." Maria bowed. Hel walked by me, "This is the child I adopted, Mikayla, she will be staying in my manor after today.. Hopefully you can approve her entry into our family, Grandmother." None protested and waited for Er to speak up, she had an intimidating aura which washed over me, "Bloodlust...?!" I muttered, breaking free from it. Why in the hell would you directly send bloodlust towards an unknown child, is this hag for real?
    "What?!" Yelled a Rose family member. "Isn't she a child?? How could she-" Er silences them with one hand. "For now. I don't completely acknowledge this filthy rat you found, but even you need a pet in that political marriage, no? I approve your paperwork; as a trial– Mikayla will participate in our family's Sword Tournament next week! If she wins, she can take our family name legally. Meeting dismissed!" She yelled, causing everybody to scatter. The elder didn't even allow Hel any room to speak, I breath in and, "Is that it? You old fool!" Those left over stopped including the ones who look like my grandparents stopped in astonishment, "What, did you just say?" Hel was taken aback, "You heard me you senile hag, what? Are you hard of hearing as well?" Er turned around, "Do you, a sewer rat, know whom' you're speaking to like this?" I chuckled, "A senile old woman who can't think straight! Rather or not you say I'm apart of your' little family doesn't even matter, do you know why? You're not in charge of my Mother's life! Let's face it, you're jealous of your successive grandchild, hateful that you never achieved half her feats!" I growl. Hel started laughing uncontrollably, "You're definitely worthy of being my daughter, hehehe. This is a riot, right Maria?" Maria frowned, "Your ideas of hilarity' might be much miss!" Maria throws daggers at some guards charging at us, I grasp my short sword, feeling the star energy flow, "Thunder Strike!" Felling three guards in one electrical swoop. They then watched cautiously, "Lightning? She's a Daydreamer who could imbue nature's most frightening law within a blade?!" A Rose family member said in surprise.
    Hel stepped between me and everyone else who came in closer curiously.
    "Back away or die." She said bluntly. They moved knowing she wasn't playing, Maria sighed. "You two are one of a kind... Does this mean more work? I thought this new Master won't cause any headaches because she's cute and adorable." Hel clicks her tongue, "What!? I'm not even adorable anymore?" I giggle at Maria's affirming reaction.
    "My adorable granddaughter is way too much! Didn't you say she was twelve, love? Would you like some candy, honey?" Lucille says killing every guard around us. Her sword slashes were undetectable for even me. She held a whip and smiled devilishly, "You're going to scare her!" Grandfather pats her shoulder. They stood at our side.
   "Enough!" Er roared. She took a short breath and examined the situation, somewhat impressed and a bit annoyed at me specifically,  "Well, it seems you have some skill, child. I look forward to watching you in the tournament." She then turns to Hel. "As for you, Hel, my ungrateful granddaughter, you will continue to perform your duties as commander and uphold our family's reputation. Is that understood?" What reputation are you even speaking of, this person could deny your orders if she wanted!
Hel nods, "Understood, Grandmother."
With that, Er and the other family members left the room. Maria sighs deeply, "Well, that was eventful. I can already tell this family is going to be a handful."
    "My cute granddaughter! You've impressed me! Could do with more gutsy children in our family, right Godric?"
    "Your standards here don't count' for actual children.." he sighed.
"It's fine, I can handle them." I say confidently. "I just hope I can win this tournament and officially become a Rose for Mother, not her."
Hel smiles at me, "Don't worry, with your skills and my training, you'll do just fine." She then glances at my trashed short sword. "But we need to get you a better blade if you're going to compete against the other family members."
"Agreed," I say, sheathing my current sword. "Let's get started then. What kind of blade did you have in mind?" I say curiously. Mother looked at my blade, "A blade made from thunder diamond!" Maria gasped. "That kind of material is extremely rare and expensive! Please Madame, don't do this, we can get her something less expensive, the family will throw a fit!" Maria warned.
    "Good! Let them be mad. This is my money, not theirs, and my daughter is more than deserving of it."
    I looked at them both, "Thunder Diamond?"
   "Yes, it's a special material that can only be found in certain regions. It is imbued with lightning energy and is extremely durable," Hel explained. "It will give you an edge in the tournament and make sure you stand out as a true Rose."
"I see. Well, if it's going to help me, then I'm all for it," I said, determined.
"Very well, I'll take care of the arrangements. Dad could make one for sure. In the meantime, let's focus on your training," Hel said, leading me out of the hall.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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