PMD Shining Friendships AU Explorers of Space

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It was April 9th 2019, and it was the middle of the night. A thunderstorm was raging outside, and inside of Sharpedo Bluff, Charmander Alex and Turtwig were watching the raindrops splash upon the glass panes of the glass covering that they added in the mouth of the large shark-pokémon engraved in the side of the cliff. They stood next to eachother, clothed in their pajamas.

Turtwig: Whooof! Looks like it's gonna be a bad one.

Char: Yup.

Turtwig: Ya know, on nights like this, I like to think back to our very first big adventure, when we stopped the destruction of time. It was a stormy night just like this when you and Alex washed up on the shore and when I met you two. Feels like such a long time ago now, doesn't it?

Char: Well, it has been 8 years.

Turtwig: Yeah.

Char: And, what we did made it possible for everyone to evolve at Luminous Spring again.

Turtwig: Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that!

Char: Well, except for us. The reason why we can't evolve at Luminous Spring is because...

Flashback. It was 7 and a half years ago, and a younger Charmander Alex, Turtwig, and Alex were with the 2 Ursarings at Luminous Spring with a frustrated Turtwig standing in the middle of the spring.

Younger Turtwig: Why can't I evolve?!

Luminous Spring: Why? Well, it may be influenced by a distortion in the fabric of space...

Younger Alex: Wut?

Luminous Spring: Why that should be, I do not know... but your presence is somehow related to the distortion of space itself. And as a result, you cannot evolve... and it's not only you... There is yet another... The one behind you... is also forbidden from evolution.

Everyone is surprised and looks at the younger Charmander Alex

Younger Turtwig: What?

Younger Char: Me too?

Flashback End.

Char: That's why, a distortion in the fabric of space. But now that I think about it, what does that mean?

Just then, there was a flash of lightning outside and a crack of thunder.

Turtwig: Whoa!

Char: Jeez, hope we don't lose power.

Turtwig: We'll be fine, I think it's time for bed.

Char: Yeah, Goodnight.

Turtwig: Goodnight.

They kiss and crawl into their beds and go to sleep. A few hours later, Char is having a dream. She wakes up in the dream to a world of rainbow colors.

Char: Where am I? (She looks around) is this a dream? Well only one way to find out.

She counts her fingers, and gets 7 on one hand.

Char: Yup, defiantly a dream.

She looks around again and spots something

Char: Hey, it looks like there's someone over there.

She walks closer, and the figure becomes clearer. It was a yellow, blue, and magenta Pokémon with blue eyes and crescent wings

Char: Who are you?

Mysterious Pokémon: I am Cresselia.

Char: Cresselia? That's a pretty name.

Cresselia: Thanks, but I'm afraid that I bear bad news.

PMD Shining Friendships AU: Explorers of SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now