Heaven On Earth

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Song Inspo: Heaven On Earth - Mareux

Life with Beomgyu has been something Taehyun would describe as Heaven on Earth. From the moment they met one snowy day a year ago, his life had changed so much thanks to Beomgyu who had arrived from Daegu and was absolutely awestruck by the thick snowflakes falling from the sky.

Taehyun bumped into him at a crosswalk one busy winter afternoon last December, on his way to visit a close friend at the time. He had noticed Beomgyu who held his hands out to catch the snow, smiling up at the sky with child-like wonderment. For a second, Taehyun thought it was dumb, there was nothing special about snow, not until that very moment.

"It rarely snows where I'm from," Beomgyu had said when he noticed Taehyun staring at him. "Isn't it so pretty!?"

Taehyun had said nothing, but suddenly felt so drawn to the stranger and his beautiful smile.

He wasn't one who believed in love at first sight and simply shook it off, crossing the street once the signal allowed him to. When he was on the other side, he snuck a glance back over to see the stranger was still distracted by the snow. He waited. He didn't know why since he had somewhere to be, someone to see, but he waited until the beautiful man finally snapped out of it and suddenly looked confused. It seemed like he wasn't sure which direction he was supposed to go, and when trying to ask other pedestrians passing by, they shrugged him off like they were too busy to stop and answer his questions.

That's when Taehyun decided he should go help him after recalling that he had said he wasn't from around here moments ago.

"Is there somewhere you need to be specifically?" Taehyun had asked.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be meeting a friend at a diner called Poppin' Star."

"I'll walk you there," Taehyun said quietly and gestured for the stranger to follow him.

"Thanks so much! I'm Beomgyu by the way," he said excitedly.


"Nice to meet you, Taehyun!"


And it was indeed nice meeting Beomgyu that day. There was a part of Taehyun who had wanted to keep in touch with Beomgyu, but he was a bit shy at the time to do such a thing. Fortunately, the friend Beomgyu was meeting was a mutual friend of Taehyun's best friend Yeonjun, so rest assured they were able to meet a couple of times after that and started to get to know each other. They even exchanged numbers and started to meet on their own time, and soon their relationship started to blossom.

Talking with Beomgyu came very naturally, he was a bit of a chatterbox, but Taehyun was always a good listener, he didn't mind at all. If he had to be honest, he loved listening to Beomgyu talk, he could listen to him talk about anything and everything for hours on end and never get bored. He started to fall for the way Beomgyu told little stories about his day, the way he'd get overly animated when he's excited, his cute little giggles and his adorable v smile. And after six months of getting to know Beomgyu, he fell in love.

Taehyun wouldn't say his life was particularly miserable before meeting Beomgyu, but he did have his moments like most people do. On his off days, Beomgyu would check up on him like a good friend, something Taehyun appreciated a lot.

"You don't have to say anything, we can just sit and watch the rain," Beomgyu said after Taehyun invited him to sit with him by the opened window towards the back of his apartment. So Taehyun said nothing because there was nothing to talk about, whatever he was feeling was simply temporary and would come and go at times. At the time, he suspected he was burnt out from work which isn't uncommon and happens to a lot of people around the world regardless of where their mental health state is.

Yet anytime Taehyun would act slightly off, Beomgyu noticed. To know someone cared about him like that really warmed his heart. It meant Beomgyu paid attention, of course all his friends did, but Beomgyu paid attention the most and was always ready to help comfort and support him to the best of his ability. Beomgyu was a good friend, a great friend, an amazing friend.

Soon enough those difficult moments were nothing to stress over as long as Beomgyu was around, and life started to feel peaceful, almost like a holiday. It was fun and exciting with Beomgyu who liked adventures and trying new things. Taehyun began to change, and in the best way possible, he was having the time of his life and Beomgyu quickly became someone he truly cherished for that. Beomgyu showed him what Heaven on Earth was like, what character growth in life should look like, and what happiness felt like.

"Can I tell you something?" Taehyun asks one night while they were taking a walk after eating dinner. It's December again, almost exactly a year since they met. Their arms are linked together to avoid getting separated when passing a crowd earlier, but even after passing, they don't make the move to separate. It's comfortable this way, and Taehyun takes it as the perfect opportunity to confess.

"Sure, what is it?" Beomgyu asks, smiling that cute smile Taehyun grew to love so much.

Taehyun is the first to stop walking, prompting Beomgyu to do the same and turn slightly to face him properly, a look of worry on his pretty face. "I like you," he says calmly, clearly, confidently. "I like you a lot, Beomgyu."

He can see the look of surprise on Beomgyu's face, his eyes widening, his lips parting and his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. Taehyun's seen it in the movies and dramas all the time, those are obvious signs that the feeling is mutual, but he still wants to hear Beomgyu say it.

"Say what?" Beomgyu asks with a bit of a stutter, clearly flustered and trying to play it cool yet he's miserably failing.

"Say you like me too," Taehyun says with a hint of a smile, bold enough to tease the older guy who pouts and nudges his shoulder before breaking out into a little grin.

"Of course I like you too, Taehyunnie," he says sweetly, making the move to hold Taehyun's hand whose heart starts to flutter.

"Good," the younger says, slightly relieved and Beomgyu can't help but laugh. "Confessing is difficult, you know?"

"Oh trust me... I know," Beomgyu says with a stupid smile. "I've been wanting to for a while now but I just didn't know if you actually felt the same way? I'm glad you do though!"

"Then... Can I kiss you now?" Taehyun asks, and takes a step forward, slowly closing the space between them and flustering Beomgyu all over again. Beomgyu opts for a little nod, closing his eyes and pursing his lips like he's never kissed anyone before. Maybe because he hasn't, and neither has Taehyun but he's sure it's not rocket science and simply leans forward and presses his pursed lips against Beomgyu's just so he won't feel stupid about it after.

When parting, it starts to snow, making the moment that much more special. They first met in the snow and now shared their first kiss in the snow.

And after that night, they shared many more firsts, living their best life together because life with each other was like a holiday, every night like heaven on earth.

Angsty Author doesn't feel too good after this LMAO

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