Lawlu One-shot

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I know some of you may not approve of this ship but I honestly think Law and Luffy are just so cute together. This is yaoi meaning boy x boy love and if you do not like it I would like to tell you to click away now. Thank you and enjoy this short one shot.


Story told in Law's P.O.V

"He did it! Mugiwara no Luffy, has defeated Doflamingo! The bird cage is disappearing!" The moment I heard those words, I didn't believe it. My arm, previously cut off because of Doflamingo ached, but I pushed myself up, to find him. To find the one who removed my darkness.

"Oi, Trafalgar! Don't get up yet!" Next to me, Cavendish, attempted to get me to lie back down. I pushed him away.

"I-I need to see him...Mugiwara-ya..." I stutter, shaking as I tried to stand up.

"Oi're kidding, right?" Cavendish frowned. "You know how injured you are, right?" I ignored him.

"I'm serious..." Sighing, the blonde put one of my arms around him and helped me up.

"Come on...I'll lend you a hand..." Shaking his head, we started walking towards Mugiwara-ya. "You all truly are...the worst generation..." He grumbles.

"Th-Thanks..." I manage. We stumble in silence for minutes, before I see a figure in the distance, wobbling, about to fall over. My eyes widen. The figure falls to the ground.


"Mugiwara!" Cavendish yells. "GET A GRIP!" We speed up a little bit, hurrying to his side. I kneel next to him, out of breath, and very bloody.

"Oh Tra-guy...I...I kicked Mingo's ass..." He grins, shakily holding up a thumbs up. I grab his hand.

"Thank you...Mugiwara-ya...thank you so much..." I whisper as he loses consciousness.

Soon after, Nico-ya and the other members of the Straw Hat Crew show up for their captain. They bring the tontatta princess, Mansherry, and a first aid kit. The small princess and I treat his wounds.

"Tra-guy-kun, thank you for looking after our captain..." Nico-ya smiles, the rest of the crew nodding and giving me thumbs ups.

"'s me...who should be thanking him..." I stare at his peaceful expression for a long time. He's completely worn out, yet still smiling.

Soon after, almost all of the survivors came to see the one who had saved their country, their hero. The royal family, the weird green-haired guy, all the competitors, etc. The townspeople easily handed the throne back to the Riku Family.

Many days passed. The citizens of Dressrosa began to rebuild their country. Like they had never been there in the first place, Fujitora and the marines left, and temporarily forgot the involvement of pirates and the revolutionary army. After three days, Mugiwara-ya finally woke up, although still stuck in bed. I spent a lot of my time in a bed, next to his, as well because of my poor condition. My arm, slowly healed, but of course, it was chopped off quite nicely thanks to Doflamingo.

"Ne, ne, Tra-guy, will you join my crew?" He asked, somewhat out of the blue.

"What?! As if!" I sat up, shocked by the sudden question. Wincing, slightly because of my arm, I turned to look at him. "Where'd that come from?"

"I don't know. But, ya know...I like adventuring with you, Tra-guy! It's fun!" He says, grinning his signature smile.

"Yeah, well, now Kaido'll be coming for our heads, Mugiwara-ya," I sighed, laying back down.

"I know! And when he does, I'll kick his ass, just like I did with Mingo!" He laughs in his usual happy-go-lucky attitude.

"You're crazy..." And our conversations took to many topics, crew members, travels, heck, even my hate for bread came up once. Despite the fact we were technically enemies, I could tell I was falling for the cheerful pirate. HARD.

After a week of constant staying in bed, Mugiwara-ya was released and the citizens of Dressrosa threw a party to celebrate. The pirate was happy to stuff himself with food and the celebration lasted a good four days. On the last day, I found myself speaking with Nico-ya, watching fireworks.

"Ne, Tra-guy-kun?" She asked, staring at the night sky.

"What's up?"

"Are love with our captain?" I spit out my drink.

"WHAT?!" Robin laughed.

"Haha I guess that was a strange no mind to it," She stood up and walked away, a satisfied look on her face.

"Geez, what's up with her..." I mutter under my breath. Mugiwara-ya walks over to me holding a tray of onigiri.

"Oi, Tra-guy! Why're you here all alone, it's a party!" He grins, handing me the tray of onigiri. "You like these, don't you? Have some!" Mugiwara-ya sits down next to me, grabbing one of the rice balls and taking a bite.

"Mugiwara-ya," I stare at him, confused. "What are you doing?"

"Hm? We're nakama, aren't we?" He asks in between chews. "After all, we beat Mingo together, didn't we?" I blink a few times.

"Yeah..." I pick up a rice ball and bite into it. "Thanks...really..."

"Oh! That's right," Mugiwara-ya turns to look at me. "You can just call me Luffy! We're friends now, so no need to hold back!" He grins brightly. My eyes widen with surprise as I stare at him.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say, quickly swallowing the rice in my mouth. I look away for a moment, before turning back to say something. "Mugiwara-ya, I-"

Without warning, he presses his lips into mine. I feel my face grow hot with embarrassment. Seconds later, we part. I stare into his eyes, confused.

"No more Mugiwara-ya, call me Luffy," He grins at me mischievously. "If not, I'll kiss you! Every single time!" Blushing slightly, he continues. "I'll be in your care from now on, Law!"

I cover my face, embarrassed.

"S-Same...Luffy-ya..." I mumble quietly.

"Ya know, Law," Luffy-ya says, blushing, "I, I think," The fireworks launch, bursting in the sky. "I THINK I LOVE YOU!!" He shouts over the noise, grinning his signature grin. Happily, he runs off to celebrate the final moments of the party.

"M-Me too...Luffy-ya..."

He is like a firefly, lighting the darkness of my heart, healing the scars of my past. The one who has allowed me to move on from the past I'll never forget.

Firefly (Lawlu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora