Chapter 0

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It was late and I was just getting home after going to that stupid party. I wanted to go just to observe people, but it was a waste of time, there isn't much to see just drunk people, lost and confused.

My room wasn't the way i left it, things were moved, my clothes were in the flour, some books were open on the bed, and there was a boy laying there.

I was going to scream, but then i realized i knew him. His leather jacket, his dark clothes, and his skull silver ring. It was Nico di Angelo.

-What are you doing here?- I asked him.

-So you know me- he answer me with a look of sorprise in his face.

-Of course I do, I've read about you.

-But how?, if you... Ah the Rick riordan's books.

-Yes, and you didn't answer me.

He stared at me, and I swear I saw something inside his eyes, but I couldn't tell what.

-I'm here for you.


-You just said you've read about me, right? - I nod- So you sure know who my father is, and I'm here to tell you who is yours.

He waited for an answer that never came and then he continue.

-After I tell you, you'll come with me to the camp and you and I will be happy and appart from each other, so start packing and...

-What if don't want to go?

-What? Why wouldn't you?

-I don't want to go, not now. There's only two months left to the end of the year, I can't leave my family just like that

-Okey, that have never happened before, I'm not sure what happens now. I was supposed to take you to the camp, and if you're not going now, when?

-In the summer , like a normal camp.

-Well then, I guess I'll have to be here untill we leave. Is there somewhere I can sleep for the next two months?


-Youre not serious!! You cant stay here for two months!! - thats exactly what i said after i heard him, of course he didnt seem to care since all he was doing was looking trough my stuff and what looked like searching for a place to sleep.
- Yes i am, im not going back to camp without you so you better be getting used to me - he said back trying to end the conversation, but i coulnt let that happen
- so you really have nothing better to do than stalk me, that one right there must be a sad sad life - all he did was stare at me but didnt answer, i couldnt tell if it was because i was right or he just thought it wasnt worth an answer, what just boder me even more.
-you dont even know me!!- i snap again - you...
-thats not completely true - he cut me off
- what in that makes you think thats not creepy?
- you cant really think we dont observe the people we bring to the camp before we bring them, we could bring a phyco or something - he said like it was a completely racional explanation

I'll be thereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora