The first meeting

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*It's just a normal day, you're sitting by the plaza of your school covered in tree and beautiful flowers, a perfect place to relax. The climate was perfect that day, it was cloudy and there was a high chance of rain at that time, as it was very common that season*

*But not everything is fine, someone's watching you, from behind the trees, it has become a routine you know he's always there*

What will you do? Confront him or go to another place?

"Hey..." She says getting closer to the place he's hiding

He looks at you from behind the tree, you could see only his piercing grey blue eyes through the small holes of the tree, those eyes gave you the sensation of an infinite and cold abyss

He doesn't say anything, as he just stares at you, looking into your soul, waiting, you could see the desire for having you in his hands for eternity in his eyes

"What are you doing..." She says as the wind blows, a heavy rain is coming

"Just... waiting for the right moment" He says with a low voice

He didn't seem upset by the fact that it would rain any minute now, as he didn't move, or make any effort into hiding his presence, what he could have been waiting for?

She looks confused at him but not for long, the rain starts to fall only a few drops, Hime looks up covering herself and just like other students she also run to get cover as the rain gets heavy

Aaron doesn't follow the other students, he doesn't move, he's still in front of the tree as the rain makes things harder to see, it becomes so heavy that he becomes practically un-noticable. You don't know where he is anymore, what he could be doing in this situation and the rain seems to have made his eyes colder, harder to read as he becomes nothing but a shadow in this situation

"What... What was that...?" She says hiding from the rain on the building, trying to find him

You run to the building but you don't find him, the rain still falling hard as it hits the ground and the building's windows, it is impossible to know where he is, or what he's doing, maybe he's already hiding somewhere else watching you

What will you do? You know he likes to follow you, but what are his next moves?

"should I stay here? I still have 10 minutes before the bell rings..."

You wonder what's the best course of action, maybe he already got close to your next destination and you just don't know. You look at the time and see you have enough time before going to your next destination, what is it? Do you wait to see what happens? Or do you prefer to go now and avoid the risk of him being close to your next class?

"I guess I'm gonna walk a little bit..." She says walking, seeing the rain Hits the windows

You start walking and make your way to your next class, you think you've made the right choice as you don't see any sign of Aaron near you, at least for now, but you know he might be nearby. As you walk you hear your own footsteps echo through the rain, and you start to wonder what he could be doing right now, maybe he's even following you at that moment?

"Is everyone in class...? Where's everyone..?"

The bell rings and you finally make it, you look around the classroom and notice many students inside, the teacher isn't there, some of the students are still missing. You look at the clock and the class is going to begin soon, what will you do? Do you wait and see if everyone shows up or what are your plans? You look behind you and Aaron isn't there, maybe he's finally gone, or maybe he's waiting somewhere else, only time will tell

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