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"Kuro Wake up!" A feminine tone said frantically as she shook a young black haired boy awake.

"What is it mama?" A young male voice asked, his tone was laced with tiredness as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"We need to hide, there are some bad men that broke in." The mother explained as she picked up her five year old son. The young boy wrapped his arms around his mother's neck. She quickly made her way out of the little boy's room and towards her room. But we can't always be successful now can we, no.

The mother didn't make it to her room in time.

A loud echoing bang went off, the sound of flesh being hit and torn could be heard clearly. The woman's dark red eyes widen as blood splattered from her head. Drops of the crimson blood flew everywhere, even a few drops land on the small boy's scared face. His eyes were wide like a deer caught in head lights.

His mother smiled softly as she fell to the floor, when she fell she had fallen on a vase and wooden table. The vase shards and broken wood tore at the lower half of the boy's face. But the sharp pieces also managed to badly scar his left eye, the boy screamed out in both pain and fear as blood coated his face.

"Two down..." A masculine voice said with a deep chuckle.

"One to go..." Another finished with an evil grin.

"Let's just leave him like that...That will give him more than enough pain." The third man chuckled darkly as he looked at the crying child who was screaming, crying and shaking his barely alive mother.

"Alright...Let's get out of here." The first man said before running out of the house with the two other men following closely behind.

The boy turned his head and watched the men run away before looking back at his mother. His eyes were glossy with tears as his runny nose let out a sniffle.

"M-mama?" The boy asked with a shaky and cracking voice as tears dotted the corner of his eyes.

"K-kuro.....I-I need you to be strong for both me..... and papa... y-you hear?" His mother coughed out as the boy known as Kuro nodded quickly.

"I don't want..y-you to cry baby...I want you to stay strong.... you're uncle is the only one you will have now... Protect him with your life....Protect everyone you care about with your life...Don't let mine or your father's death bring you down or h-hold you back..." She spoke weakly as she held her son close to her chest.

"Y-yes mama..." Kuro cried as he watched his mother's life slowly slip away. Out in the distance sirens rang out as the cops and ambulance quickly raced to Kuro's home.

"L-listen Kuro.....I love you...and so does papa.....D-don't ever forget t-that." She managed to whisper out. She used the rest of her strength to press her bloody lips to her son's forehead in a weak kiss. She laid her head back as her soul left both her son and body behind.

"Mama?.....MAMA!!" Kuro cried out as the police ran in side. A few ran upstairs to check for survivors after seeing the dead father in the living room.

A cop noticed the boy was a live but barely hanging on to the consciousness. The man picked up the young boy who weakly looked at his dead mother with his only open eye.

"Don't go..." The boy said weakly as he was rushed out of the house.

"Don't go..." He whispered softly before slipping into the world of darkness.

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