Stolen(Niall Horan)

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IT was still snow and snow all day long.I got up from my bed I needed to fix myself breakfast before I went to school.My parents are never home so they don't really care of what I do.As i got up I made my bed and turn the radio on,One direction was on I was happy to hear them but I asked myself million of times if I will ever meet them.

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     I walk down the hall and turn left to find the kitchen,my moring consists of getting ready for school and getting chores done.My parents really do not like me at all I have a very painfull life style with them.They never care about me nor do they want to.After breakfast I got ready for school.This is my last year in school!I made my way back down the dark hallway to my bedroom.I open the door and walk in.I open my drawer to see what i should wear today.

     "mmm Toms maybe", I say.I put on my last Tom shirt I had.Then I put on my jeans and shoes.I looked at myself in the mirror,I needed make up.i don't think I will ever be pretty like the other girls.As I put my eyeliner I recieved a text message it was him again.

      *"GUD Morning Babe;)"-It said.**

    I stood there for a second,I couldn't believe it was him....MAX!

             ***  So This is how the story starts........


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Stolen(Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now