Poison x Gumball Machine Fanfiction (Poisoned Candy)

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Poison x Gumball Machine (Poisoned Candy)

Excellent Entities Fanfiction

Written by a very gay, homicidal (only when it comes to nail /hj), bored, and lonely Latte on a Friday night at 10:27PM (June 16th 2023) and finished at 2:18AM (June 17th, 2023)

(Assuming this takes place between EEE and THREEEE?)

Sitting on the ground doodling, Poison looks up at Gumball Machine. She isn't sure why Gumball Machine dragged her along, but it's not like she's complaining. She desperately needed time away from everyone else's stupidity, so this was doing good for the both of them. She wonders how somebody like Gumball Machine could have ever loved somebody like her. I mean, they were complete opposites. A kind-hearted, caring, responsible person like Gumball Machine, loving a cynical, non-compassionate, irresponsible person like herself. The odds of that seemed impossible at one point, but it came and went.

"No wonder we broke up", she thought as she began doodling once again, taking her eyes off of Gumball Machine for a few minutes at most. The page started as small shapes and random lines and slowly started to fill with small doodles of Poison and Gumball Machine. Suddenly she feels a presence behind her.

"Whatcha drawing??" Gumball Machine finally says, leaning in to get a better look at Poison's doodles. Poison pulls her sketchbook to her chest and quickly turns around.

"None of your business," Poison says with a stern look on her face. She closes her sketchbook, puts it in her bag, and stands up.

"Okay okay, whatever! Now are you coming or not?" Before she can receive an answer, she grabs Poison's hand and runs farther into the forest.

As much as Poison hates the forest, she can't pass up the opportunity to spend time with Gumball Machine. Not only that, but also having the chance to make her happy. There's nothing she'd rather have. Despite them having broken up, Poison never really lost feelings. She isn't sure if Gumball Machine feels the same way that she does, but it isn't like she'd ever ask directly. For one, that would be an odd question, and two, that could ruin the relationship they have now. The last thing she wants is to lose her closest friend.

30 minutes go by, and Poison sits back down and begins sketching. Besides only coming to make Gumball Machine happy, she also thought it would be good drawing inspiration. She starts by sketching the ground and working her way up. Gumball Machine sits beside her. She leans onto Poison's shoulder and looks down at her sketch.

"Didn't hide your art from me this time, hm?" She says with a laugh.

"Don't jinx yourself." Poison responds, giving a snarky laugh and scooching away a bit in a joking matter. Gumball Machine nudges her and giggles.

"You aren't a bad artist either, that doesn't look as bad as you think!"

"I never said I thought it looked bad."

"Well why else would you hide it from me?"

"I didn't, I just didn't show you the other drawing."


"None of your business, once again."


A deafening silence.

She knew she made Gumball Machine upset.

And that was the last thing she wanted.

Poison slid her sketchbook into Gumball Machine's lap. She looked up at Poison.

"But I though-"

"Take it."

She opened it and started looking through it. Most of it was scenery drawings, nothing too out of the ordinary for Poison. She knew the type of stuff Poison draws, so she didn't see a reason for her to hide it from me. So she kept flipping through the book.

"She probably thinks I'm crazy" - Poison X Gumball Machine FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now