Untitled Part 1

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Seems like the only friends I have these days are Joey, Rachel, Monica, Ross, Phoebe, and Chandler (from the TV series Friends). I say this because I feel as if my actual friends turned into acquaintances or people who just need favors. Whenever I want to hang out, their always busy or dont respond. I dont always hang out with one person or persons, Im one of those people who like to have all different types of friends. I also dont always want to hang out but when I do all of a sudden they become busy or dont respond? How am I not suppose to feel lonely and depressed? Thus me turning to Netflix, which I saw a handful of movies but then turned to Friends because lets face it, tv shows are great to watch since they last longer. I try my best to stay positive but as I saw the time pass by, I couldnt help but to try to think of fun things I could do by myself or think of all the reasons why my so called friendswould ignore me. "Is there something wrong with me? Or was it just something I did or said?" I mean I am a college student, I should be out partinging and doing rebel things. I shouldnt be worring about being home bored. I guess this is what my first college summer is going to look like. And yea I get it ,why not get new friends? Well I dont feel like telling my story to everyone and trying to get people to like me, its such a hassle! And for what ? Just so after we pass the acquaintence stage for me to be left back at this stage? This is me almost about every weekend.

Signed, a depressed lonely college student

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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