The Greatest Architects Diary! (Don't Touch This Alhaitham)

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Letter to Faranak

Mom. You said the most important thing was companionship. I went out to eat with Tighnari, Cyno, and Alhaitham. It was Tighnari who invited us to celebrate Collei, she got through her first year in academia.

I hope you're doing well in Fontaine.

Love - Kaveh

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This day has been the WORST!
First I brought my plans to a client and he dared to call off the project because I was "adding my own stuff in"! I was just following his description and wishes, to make the best design!

I was so frustrated that I went straight home. Well, tried to go home. I forgot my goddamn keys! And Alhaitham is away strolling somewhere!

It started raining and when Alhaitham came home and he said I looked like a wet ferret. I don't!

Letter to Alhaitham

Please come back I don't want to clean the house alone anymore. Just ditch the project.


I'm so drunk.
Why aren't you here giving me water?

I lost my weasel house slippers...
Did you take them?


You make me want to throw up.

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I lost my diary for like 3 months.
I don't remember what I've written here at all.

I've been taking better care of myself. I'm also going to therapy to clear my emotions and feelings. It's hard but I've made progress. I've also lessened my drinking habits.

Alhaitham said he was proud of me. I thought he was joking.

Now that I think about it, he's been a huge support in my life. Who else would be willing to go through all this with me?

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They were just under my bed...

My birthday is in a week so I'm excited! Maybe I should treat my friends to a meal, or just to hang out.

I wonder if I'll get any gifts. Not that I need anything.

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Tighnari, Cyno and Alhaitham took me to a surprise birthday meal. I never expected this! I was the one who was supposed to treat us!

I'm not actually complaining. I'm so grateful to my friends.

Cyno tried to give me a "special TCG card" or something, but I declined. I'm not really into TCG and I know how passionate Cyno is about it.

Tighnari gave me canvas and some kind of medicine. He said it would help me sleep.

Alhaitham, uhh... Hasn't given me anything. I didn't ask for anything so it doesn't matter! It doesn't.

Alhaitham gave me a necklace...
He had forgotten it at home, so he gave it to me in the evening.
It matches well with my earrings.

I think I've been holding it ever since I put it around my neck.

Letter to Alhaitham

My dearest, Alhaitham.

I know I'm never actually giving this to you but I'm grateful for the things you've done for me, to me.

Cyno and Tighnari are my friends but I don't think I can put you in the same box anymore. AAAA!!!!!
I hate this.

I'm going to the desert soon for a big project. I don't know when I'll see you again.
But when I do, I think I'll have these feelings sorted out. And maybe... Maybe! I'll tell you about them.

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I don't know what to do.

I'm so lost. I'm so lost. I'm so lost. I'm so lost. I'm so lost.




I go away for a while and when I come back, the person most dearest to me is gone. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THAT?!

Cyno was the one to inform me.
The sages fell.
Sumeru was saved.
And Alhaitham was taken by forbidden knowledge.

I've been doing absolutely nothing since then. Refusing to take clients or go outside. Cyno and Tighnari have tried to come over but I haven't let anyone in.

The only thing left of him is this stupid cape. No. It's not stupid.

My eyes hurt.


Come back.

Do you know?
What did I ever do to deserve this?
What did you do to deserve this?

I miss you so much.

Letter to Alhaitham

It's been a few years since, huh?
I managed to visit you today for the first time. Did you see me?

I've done horrible things these past few years, harming others, and harming myself.
I think I couldn't have made it without Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei. I would've been with you by now.
But I know you don't want me to do that.

I wear your cape often, it's a way of mourning that I'll never probably get rid of.

I'm doing much better.
I talked to my mother and she shares a lot of my current feelings so she was more than willing to go over this and help me.

I still miss you.

I still love you.

Kaveh's diary [Haikaveh/Kavetham]Where stories live. Discover now