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The two girl met on set on January 13th, 2013. They became best friends, irreparable, many thought they were soulmates. Even though they were only 11 years old, the adults just knew. Even the mothers of the two girls.


No ones pov

Jenna was getting ready to shoot a scene, but Elia walked into Jenna's dressing room by accident, she was looking for her mother.

"Omg! I'm so freaking sorry! I was just looking for my mom! I didn't mean to walk in!" The poor girl apologized, scared that she might get in trouble, but the opposite happened.

Jenna giggles "It's okay! You didn't mean too, right? Your just looking for your mom! Per say, who's you mom?" Jenna asks, not having seen the girl with an older lady on set yet. 

Elia chuckles "My mom is Gina Rodriguez. I'm used to being on set with her and she usually shows me to her dressing rooms, but we were running late this morning and I guess she forgot to show me where to go. I do deeply apologize, I really do. I should have knocked instead of barging in."

Jenna sighs "Hey, there's no need to apologize! We can either go to set and wait for you mom or we call walk around? Also, I'm Jenna! What's your name?"

Elia chuckles "It's Elia, apparently it means 'God has answered', but yeah, we can walk around to find her. Also, what's your part in the show?"

"Beautiful name Elia, and I play Jane's younger self, so like, the show, shows the past of Jane and so worth. I'm 11, how bout' you?" Jenna asks, as the 2 girls walk out of her dressing room

"I'm also 11, and it's cool that you play as my mom's younger self. I would like to see that work, not gonna lie." She laughs, seeing how this could turn out

The 2 girls walk around the set for an hour, before Gina finds them.

Since that day, they were always hanging out, but when the show ended, the girls lost touch. They were both devastated, not wanting to loose each other, but if they knew they descended to be together, they'll find each other again in the future. Surely, the mothers knew.

7 years later........

A/N- Ahhhh cliffhanger, how evil of me, but since u read the description. You'll know what happens next! Chapter one should be out by next week😭. Have a great night or day! REMEMBER: Eat, drink, do something to take care of urself bc u r 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃, don't forget that.

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