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As I struggle past the thorny vines that surround me I push through there i can see it glowing the the light i begin to climb grabbing onto clean vines no spikes no thorns but right as i'm almost there one vine away i feel the sharp pain and feel the blood rush out of the cut i immediately let go and tumble down scraping my body with thorns when i hit the bottom my head rings i look down and the floor disappears into darkness and i feel all the pain im in darkness but stable ground i stand up but something eminently hits me down quick and hard but when my knees hit the solid darkness something jabs into my knee endless pain i try to scream but there is no sound i feel like i am losing oxygen then i'm out blacked- 104

When i wake up im clean no scrapes no cuts no blood no pain im in the hallway of my school walking to class my body feels fine but my head is spinning i feel dizzy and catch myself on a wall then she bumps into me "hey you okay" my mouth opens but i can't speak and then i hit the floor i suddenly can see and feel my pain but its like im in 2nd person i'm watching myself pass out as i watch myself hit the floor and people swarm me but she just slips out of the crowd smiling and disappears behind a corner i follow her but when i turn the corner everything is black again and something knocked me down into the knees my entire body collapse i get this sudden pain in my left leg i try to move im stuck like glue then he walks by me smiling smirking laughing judging im so helpless i would laugh to then she runs at me and stabs me in the back i fall to the floor- 105

I wake up in my own bed but it doesn't feel like I'm awake in another dream. I don't recall having this dream so I don't know exactly what to expect but like usual I know I'll be the stupid one in pain. It starts with me getting up with no pain. I'm getting ready for another school day ugh i hate the school drama and pain dreams. I put on sweatpants and my boston crop top and my blue zip up. My parents are fighting like normal, my dad probably making a big deal about the dumbest thing. Then as i am walking up my steep stairs my head begins to ring a pain i so far have never felt rings i trip off the step i'm on and fall down briefly scrapping my knee then the ringing stops ugh stupid carpet burn pain i am very carful up the rest of the stair and slip through my parents arguing and grab my backpack and slip out the door i get in my brothers car and wait for him to get outside he is always late.then after a lot of stops normal day stops caseys coffee my brothers friends and then we get t my school he lets me off and then drives away but then i stop my body won't move then the pain comes back i groan from the pain for the first time in my pain dreams i can speak

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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